Author: Christian Fufezan Description: This script will calculate the displacement between each atom of two different but aligned structures, actually chains. The maximal difference will then be mapped to the alpha carbon so an easier visualization via the backbone illustration is possible. The syntax for the script is "colordisplace chain start end shift". Chain defines (obviously) the chain, start and end the start and end residue to be compared. The shift can be used if the numbering between the two chains is different (e.g. chain E is shifted by 1 aminoacid in the 1S5L structure compared to the 2AXT structure, therefore the syntax would be "colordisplacement E 8 84 -1"). If the structures can not be compared e.g. if an aminoacid is missing some atoms and therefore the amount of atoms between the aminoacids to be compared are different, it will print the corrosponding residue number. Download: colordisplacement.tcl