mergemultiframepdb 1.0 ---------------------- REQUIREMENTS: VMD Version 1.8.2 or better DESCRIPTION: A simple VMD/psfgen script to merge multi-frame PDB files into a single PDB structure, as in the case of the large multi-frame Virus capsids provided at the RCSB PDB site. PROCEDURES: merge_multi_frame_structure EXAMPLE USAGE: source mergemultiframepdb.tcl mol new myfavoritemultiframepdb.pdb merge_multi_frame_structure top /tmp/myworkarea /my/final/filename Results will be written to /my/final/filename.psf and /my/final/filename.pdb This script was tested with the following file from the RCSB PDB site: DOWNLOAD THE FILE: mergemultiframepdb.tcl AUTHOR: John Stone