mk3drama 1.0 ------------ REQUIREMENTS: VMD Version 1.8 or greater DESCRIPTION: Creates a nice color coded 3d-ramachandran histogram graph in a new 'molecule'. This script is now obsolete and only provided for reference, as it its functionality is now included in the RamaPlot plugin. PROCEDURES: mk3drama - The first (optional) argument is a selection to be analyzed the second is the resolution of the histogram. EXAMPLE OUTPUT: An uncoiled helix in DMSO; mol new {12-ala.pdb} type pdb waitfor all mol addfile {12-ala.dcd} type dcd waitfor all set sel [atomselect top {resid> 1 and resid < 12 and name CA}] mk3drama $sel DOWNLOAD THE FILE: mk3drama.tcl AUTHOR: Axel Kohlmeyer (