Rotation Movie Maker 1.0 ------------------------ REQUIREMENTS: VMD Version 1.0. To make use of the output of this script, you will also need the SGI program 'mediaconvert' or something equivalent. DESCRIPTION: Type 'make_rotation_movie_files' to generate a sequence of 18 RGB snapshots of the VMD Display. Each snapshot will be taken after a rotation of your molecule by 20 degrees about the y axis. You can then use the SGI program 'mediaconvert' to make an MPEG or Quicktime movie of these images. No arguments need to be given to the procedure. To alter the number of files to be outputted or the rotation axis, you can change some obvious parameters in the body of the procedure. This script is very similar to the one for making an animated gif of a rotating molecule. In this script; however, no action is taken after generating the RGB files. You will have to make a movie of them yourself using some other program (i.e. mediaconvert). Details of this procedure can be found in the VMD User's Guide. PROCEDURES: make_rotation_movie_files - rotates about the y-axis, taking snapshots at 20 degree intervals DOWNLOAD THE FILE: rotation_movie.tcl AUTHOR: Andrew Dalke (