Take Picture 1.0 ---------------- REQUIREMENTS: VMD Version 1.0 or greater DESCRIPTION: Every time take_picture is called, it takes a picture and saves it to a file using a picture number that is maintained within the body of the procedure. A number of parameters can be sent to take_picture to direct its processing. In particular, the six available options are (1) reset: All internal take_picture data is reset to default values (2) frame: Explicitly specifies the number to be included in the numeric placeholder of the filename specification (see 'format' below) (3) format: Specifies the naming convention to follow when writing output files. This uses C-like notation to denote placeholders for numbers (see usage examples) (4) method: Specify the type of rendering method to be applied to the current scene. (5) exec: Specifies a Unix command to evaluate (6) modulo: Outputs a file once only every modulo calls to take_picture. This is useful when writing only every nth frame in an animation, for instance. PROCEDURES: take_picture - a generalized procedure for taking screen shots EXAMPLE USAGE: *To write all subsequent output files under the names image.00000.rgb, image.00001.rgb, etc. take_picture format image.%05d.rgb *To write all subsequent output files in the directory /scratch/disk2 under the names snap.0000.rgb, snap.0001.rgb, etc. take_picture format /scratch/disk2/snap.%04d.rgb *To output a file only once every 5th time take_picture is called take_picture modulo 5 *To use Raster3D rendering instead of snapshot and to output using the naming convention animate.0000.r3d, animate.0001.r3d, etc. take_picture format animate.%04d.r3d take_picture method Raster3d take_picture exec {render < %s -sgi %s.rgb} *To return all options to default values take_picture reset DOWNLOAD THE FILE: take_picture.tcl AUTHOR: Andrew Dalke (dalke@ks.uiuc.edu)