Boon Chong Goh, Ph.D.
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This page was last updated on June 29 2016 and will not be further updated. For more updates, please go to .
- Ph.D. in Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016
- M.Sc. in Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013
- B.Sc.(Hons) in Physics and Applied Mathematics, Nanyang Technological University, 2011
Research Interests
Modeling of immature virus capsids
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Interaction between influenza virus A and lung surfactant proteins
Highlight |
- Elucidation of Lipid Binding Sites on Lung Surfactant Protein A Using X-ray Crystallography, Mutagenesis, and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Computational Methodologies for Real-space Structural Refinement of Large Macromolecular Complexes
- All-atom Molecular Dynamics of Virus Capsids as Drug Targets
- Contributions of charged residues in structurally dynamic capsid surface loops to Rous sarcoma virus assembly
- Atomic Detail Visualization of Photosynthetic Membranes with GPU-Accelerated Ray Tracing
- Chemical Visualization of Human Pathogens : The Retroviral Capsids
- Atomic Modeling of an Immature Retroviral Lattice Using Molecular Dynamics and Mutagenesis
- Molecular dynamics simulations of large macromolecular complexes
- Visualization of Energy Conversion Processes in a Light Harvesting Organelle at Atomic Detail
- Molecular Mechanisms of Inhibition of Influenza by Surfactant Protein D Revealed by Large-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulation
- The Mechanism of Antiparallel β-sheet Formation based on Conditioned Self-Avoiding Walk
Boon Chong Goh, Huixing Wu, Michael J. Rynkiewicz, Klaus Schulten, Barbara A. Seaton, and Francis X. McCormack. Biochemistry (In press)
Boon Chong Goh*, Jodi A. Hadden*, Rafael C. Bernardi, Abhishek Singharoy, Ryan McGreevy, Till Rudack, C. Keith Cassidy, and Klaus Schulten. Annual Review of Biophysics (In press)
Juan R. Perilla, Jodi A. Hadden, Boon Chong Goh, Christopher G. Mayne, and Klaus Schulten. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7:1836-1844, 2016
Cover article
Katrina J. Heyrana, Boon Chong Goh, Juan R. Perilla, Tam-Linh N. Nguyen, Matthew R. England, Maria C. Bewley, Klaus Schulten, and Rebecca C. Craven Journal of Virology, 90:5700-5714, 2016
Cover article
JE Stone, M Sener, KL Vandivort, A Barragan, A Singharoy, I Teo, JV Ribeiro, B Isralewitz, B Liu, BC Goh, JC Phillips, C MacGregor-Chatwin, M Johnson, LF Kourkoutis, C Neil Hunter, Klaus Schulten
Parallel Computing 55:17-27, 2016
Top 10 most downloaded articles as of April 2016
Juan R. Perilla*, Boon Chong Goh*, John Stone, and Klaus Schulten, Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC'15. ACM/IEEE Press, 2015
Boon Chong Goh*, Juan R. Perilla*, Matthew R. England, Katrina J. Heyrana, Rebecca C. Craven, and Klaus Schulten, Structure, 23:1414-1425, 2015
JR Perilla, BC Goh, CK Cassidy, B Liu , RC Bernardi, T Rudack, H Yu, Z Wu, and K Schulten, Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 31:64-74, 2015
Top 10 most downloaded articles as of Aug 2015
M Sener, JE Stone, A Barragan, A Singharoy, I Teo, KL Vandivort, B Isralewitz, B Liu, BC Goh, JC Phillips, LF Kourkoutis, CN Hunter, and K Schulten, Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC'14. IEEE Press, 2014
Boon Chong Goh, Michael J. Rynkiewicz, Tanya R. Cafarella, Mitchell R. White, Kevan L. Hartshorn, Kimberly Allen, Erika C. Crouch, Oliviana Calin, Peter H. Seeberger, Klaus Schulten, and Barbara A. Seaton, Biochemistry, 52:8527-8538, 2013
Featured in the book Glycobiology and Human Diseases on page 101-105.

Boon Chong Goh, Hon Wai Leong, Xiaohui Qu and Lock Yue Chew, European Physical Journal E, 35:27, 2012
Cover article
- Computational Modeling of the Immature Retroviral Lattice
- Development of Antibody-Like Binders for Rapid Ebola Infection Screening Guided by Computer-Aided Design and Biomolecular Simulations
- Unraveling the Dual Role of Surfactant Protein A at Atomistic Detail
- Capsid-locking Mechanism in the Maturation of a T=4 Virus
- Mechanism of Interaction between Lung Surfactant Protein-D and Influenza A Virus Hemagglutinin
    Biophysical Society 60th Annual Meeting, 2016, Los Angeles, California (poster)
    Structural Biology Related to HIV/AIDS, 2015, Bethesda, Maryland (abtract selected for talk)
    Beckman Institute Graduate Student Seminar, 2015, Urbana, Illinois (talk)
    Annual Meeting of the Pittsburgh Center for HIV Protein Interactions, 2015, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (poster)
    Bioinformatics Institute Seminar, 2015, A*STAR, Singapore (invited talk)
    Physics and Applied Physics Seminar, 2015, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (talk)
    Capsid club seminar, 2014, Indiana University, Indiana (invited talk)
    Structural Biology Related to HIV/AIDS, 2014, Bethesda, Maryland (poster)
    CPLC/BIOP Graduate Student/Postdoc Symposium, 2014, Urbana, Illinois (talk)
    Annual Postdoctoral Research Symposium, 2014, Urbana, Illinois (poster)
    Targeting Ebola - Recent Advances and Strategies, 2015, Institut Pasteur, Paris (poster)
    Biophysical Society 59th Annual Meeting, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland (poster)
    Frontiers in Membrane Protein Structural Dynamics, 2014, Chicago, Illinois (poster)
    XXIII Biennial Conference on Phage/Virus Assembly, 2013, Lake Arrowhead, California (poster)
    Biophysical Society 57th Annual Meeting, 2013, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (poster)
    Biophysical Society 56th Annual Meeting, 2012, San Diego, California (poster)

Awards and Honors
- Finalist of BPS Art of Science Image Contest 2013, 2016     Featured on NIH Director's Blog
- Finalist of SCS Science Image Challenge (2013,2014,2015)     Featured on the cover of Pathways
- Finalist of SC15's Scientific Visualization and Data Analytics Showcase (2015)
- Finalist of Research Live! organized by UIUC Graduate College (2015) (video)
- Biophysical Society Education Committee Travel Award (2015)
- Best Visualization Award of SC14's Scientific Visualization and Data Analytics Showcase (2014)
- Center of Physics for Living Cells (CPLC) Graduate Fellowship (2011-2013)
Online tutorials
- Case study: Satellite Tobacco Mosaic Virus Explore the interesting properties of a simple virus.
VMD image making tutorial (video) (required files [.vmd, 24k]).
This online tutorial shows the techniques to render a beautiful scientific figure.Interactive MDFF Online Tutorial (video) (required tutorial files [.tar.gz, 2.9M] [.zip, 536K], individual files).
This online tutorial shows a step-by-step guide to performing an interactive MDFF calculation.