From: Gengbin Zheng (
Date: Tue Jun 07 2005 - 14:00:04 CDT
You don't need a nodelist file since this is an MPI version of NAMD.
Consult the administrator on how to run an MPI application. I think it
is poe command, and through job queueing system, you don't even need to
write a machinefile for MPI program.
Dong Luo wrote:
>The interactive node is in p655, batch job should run
>on nodes in p690. The user can't access these p690
>nodes interactively. Job submitting is through LSF
>command bsub to the queues. Now I downloaded the
>namd_2.5_IBM-SP to my home directory which is the same
>for all nodes. The question is I have no idea how to
>setup my account and how to create nodelist file to
>make NAMD work. Any help will be appreciated.
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