From: Norman Geist (
Date: Mon Aug 08 2011 - 00:04:40 CDT
As I know, it is written to the README, whipped with the binary.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Norman Geist.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [] Im Auftrag von Francesco Pietra
Gesendet: Freitag, 5. August 2011 15:45
Betreff: namd-l: nvidia cuda driver version
It would be useful to know which version of nvidia cuda driver to use
for Linux-x86_64-CUDA binary (v. 2.8), or where to look for such
information from released software.
Unlike in the past with CPU machine, where I used stable Debian amd64
without problems, with GPU-CPU I was advised to better use updated
drivers, so that I am using Debian testing amd64. With alternate
success: driver 275.09.07-5 let NAMD (not VMD) run. Today, on
upgrading to 275.21-1, NAMD finds the cuda cards:
Info: Please cite Phillips et al., J. Comp. Chem. 26:1781-1802 (2005)
Info: in all publications reporting results obtained with NAMD.
Info: Based on Charm++/Converse 60303 for net-linux-x86_64-iccstatic
Info: Built Sat Jun 4 02:22:51 CDT 2011 by jim on
Info: 1 NAMD CVS-2011-06-04 Linux-x86_64-CUDA 6 gig64 francesco
Info: Running on 6 processors, 6 nodes, 1 physical nodes.
Info: CPU topology information available.
Info: Charm++/Converse parallel runtime startup completed at 0.0352011 s
Pe 3 sharing CUDA device 1 first 1 next 5
Pe 3 physical rank 3 binding to CUDA device 1 on gig64: 'GeForce GTX
470' Mem: 1279MB Rev: 2.0
Pe 2 sharing CUDA device 0 first 0 next 4
Pe 2 physical rank 2 binding to CUDA device 0 on gig64: 'GeForce GTX
470' Mem: 1279MB Rev: 2.0
Pe 5 sharing CUDA device 1 first 1 next 1
Pe 5 physical rank 5 binding to CUDA device 1 on gig64: 'GeForce GTX
470' Mem: 1279MB Rev: 2.0
Pe 1 sharing CUDA device 1 first 1 next 3
Pe 1 physical rank 1 binding to CUDA device 1 on gig64: 'GeForce GTX
470' Mem: 1279MB Rev: 2.0
Did not find +devices i,j,k,... argument, using all
Pe 0 sharing CUDA device 0 first 0 next 2
Pe 0 physical rank 0 binding to CUDA device 0 on gig64: 'GeForce GTX
470' Mem: 1279MB Rev: 2.0
Pe 4 sharing CUDA device 0 first 0 next 0
Pe 4 physical rank 4 binding to CUDA device 0 on gig64: 'GeForce GTX
470' Mem: 1279MB Rev: 2.0
then, instead of reading NAMD conf file,
BUG software... NAMD ...CPU#2 stalk
Should latest night build be tried in such a case, or NAMD be compiled
on the specific machine? In the latter case, where to find appropriate
flags for a GPU-CPU machine?
Because of of dependencies, it would be a steep way (if practicable at
all) to try to install old nvidia drivers on current testing.
francesco Pietra
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