From: Branko (
Date: Tue Nov 01 2011 - 05:59:43 CDT
Maybe GUI having predefined fragments make job easier, try for example
with VegaZZ (free) Along with topology
coordinates are also useful (and necessary), so GUI is highly recomendable.
On 11/1/2011 11:35 AM, Jens K. Munk wrote:
> Dear NAMD-L,
> I would like to make a topology file in which lipids are built like peptides, so that each lipid contains eg. four residues, namely:
> 1. Head group
> 2. Phosphoglycerol
> 3. Acyl chain on glycerol carbon 2
> 4. Acyl chain on glycerol carbon 3
> This would make it much easier to construct any lipid one might be interested in; any combination of acyl chains and head group could be constructed quickly. Also, having defined lipids as made of four residues would make it easier to select eg. chains separately.
> I have successfully used this approach to link butanoic acid to phosphoglycerol by defining a BOND between butanoic acid carbon 1 (named C1) and the oxygen on glycerol carbon 2 (named O2), so the BOND definition is
> BOND C1 +O2
> But I need to be able connect two acyl chains and a head group to the phosphoglycerol. The problem is how to define the connection between eg. two butanoic acid molecules and phosphoglycerol, one at glycerol carbon 2 and the other at glycerol carbon 3 *without* having to define two butanoic acid RESI entries, one for each connection.
> My guess is it cannot be done.
> Is there any way to pass arguments so that I can choose which oxygen to connect to?
> I was thinking about defining the bond at glycerol carbon 2 as above and defining the bond at glycerol carbon 3 as a patch. Very big patch though. Any good?
> Later I will define the connection between phosphate and the head group by defining
> BOND Cx -O12
> where Cx is a head group carbon and O12 is one of the phosphate oxygens.
> Any thoughts? TIA.
> --
> Venlig hilsen / Kind Regards
> M. Sc. Jens K. Munk
> Ph.D.-student
> Department of Basic Sciences and the Environment
> Room T432
> Phone +45 3533 2429
> Thorvaldsensvej 40
> DK-1870 Frederiksberg
> Denmark
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