This section will show you how to set up MDFF simulations with domain restraints in vaccum. Domain restraints apply harmonic forces to user defined groups of atoms to maintain a rigid domain during MDFF simulations.
For this example we will be using a protein called Acetyl CoA Synthase, found in acoasyn-initial.pdb. The structure has already been rigid-body docked to a simulated density map of the protein in a different conformation. Refer to the section 2 for information on generating a simulated density map and rigid-body docking. You will also need to create a psf file following the same steps outlined there using the acoasyn-initial.pdb model.
mol new acoasyn-initial.pdb |
mdff gridpdb -psf acoasyn-initial_autopsf.psf -pdb acoasyn-initial_autopsf.pdb | |
-o acoasyn-grid.pdb |
package require ssrestraints | |
ssrestraints -psf acoasyn-initial_autopsf.psf -pdb acoasyn-initial_autopsf.pdb | |
-o acoasyn-extrabonds.txt -hbonds |
mol new acoasyn-initial_autopsf.psf | |
mol addfile acoasyn-initial_autopsf.pdb | |
cispeptide restrain -o acoasyn-extrabonds-cispeptide.txt | |
chirality restrain -o acoasyn-extrabonds-chirality.txt |
mol new acoasyn-initial_autopsf.psf | |
mol addfile acoasyn-initial_autopsf.pdb |
set sel [atomselect top "all"] | |
$sel set beta 0 | |
$sel set occupancy 0 | |
set sel1 [atomselect top "segname 1 and name CA"] | |
$sel1 set beta 1 | |
$sel1 set occupancy 1 | |
set sel2 [atomselect top "segname 2 and name CA"] | |
$sel2 set beta 2 | |
$sel2 set occupancy 1 | |
$sel writepdb domain.pdb |
Generate NAMD configuration files similarly to the first example. We will be using the density map provided, acoasyn-target.dx. For information regarding generating simulated density maps, please see the first MDFF tutorial section 2.
mdff setup -o domain -psf acoasyn-initial_autopsf.psf | |
-pdb acoasyn-initial_autopsf.pdb | |
-griddx acoasyn-target.dx | |
-gridpdb acoasyn-grid.pdb | |
-extrab {acoasyn-extrabonds.txt acoasyn-extrabonds-cispeptide.txt | |
acoasyn-extrabonds-chirality.txt} -gscale 1.0 -minsteps 2000 | |
-numsteps 70000 |
tmd on | |
tmdfile domain.pdb | |
tmdk 500. | |
tmdfirststep 2001 | |
tmdlaststep 72000 | |
tmdoutputfreq 1000 |
namd2 domain-step1.namd > domain-step1.log |
The resulting trajectory will be saved to the file domain-step1.dcd. If you want to continue working through the tutorial before the simulation is complete, you can use the provided trajectory file domain-step1-result.dcd instead. As in the previous sections, load the trajectory files and target structure acoasyn-target.pdb into VMD and repeat the RMSD and CCC analysis. Now try running the same simulation without any restraints by turning Targeted MD off by switching tmd on in the configuration file to tmd off and changing the output name to no-domain. Again, you can continue the tutorial by using the provided trajectory no-domain-step1-result.dcd. Load the trajectory and target structure into VMD and repeat the RMSD and CCC analysis. Also, look at the trajectories and comparing the cases with and without restraints.