Tutorial-l Mailing List
From: gurunath katagi (gurukatagi_at_gmail.com)
Date: Tue Jan 20 2009 - 08:31:39 CST
- Next message: houyang chen: "How can i write psf for nanotubes?Thanks."
- Previous message: Peter Bender: "test"
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Dear sir..
i have performed the equilibriation of a protein molecule in a water box for
5ps and now that i want to obesrve the dynamics of the protein after
equilibriation for 5ps with same conditions.(without any constarints) and
measure the rmsd of the backbone of the protein..
please suggest me the steps in brief.
and is it possible to combine the configuraion file for these
two(equilibriation followed by dynamics)
thank you
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- Next message: houyang chen: "How can i write psf for nanotubes?Thanks."
- Previous message: Peter Bender: "test"
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