Tutorial-l Mailing List
From: Pavel Mironov (gyrocotylidea_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Jul 17 2009 - 11:56:22 CDT
- Next message: Chris Harrison: "Re: lysozyme simulation"
- Previous message: Chris Harrison: "Re: troubles with generating pdb with hydrogens"
- Next in thread: Chris Harrison: "Re: lysozyme simulation"
- Reply: Chris Harrison: "Re: lysozyme simulation"
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Using VMD I've met some problems. Following your tutorial I have made the
simulation for ubiqutine 1UBQ.pdb. But when I tried to make the same actions
with lysozyme molecule 1IEE.pdb (the only changes I made were writing
correct input files in scripts .pgn and .conf), the only output file I
obtained after running NAMD is the .log file; there were no .coor, .vel,
.xsc, .dcd, .coor, .vel, .xsc, .old, .restart.vel.old, .restart.xsc.old
files. Could you please help me to solve my problem? How can I obtain
missing files?
Thank you for an answer!
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- Next message: Chris Harrison: "Re: lysozyme simulation"
- Previous message: Chris Harrison: "Re: troubles with generating pdb with hydrogens"
- Next in thread: Chris Harrison: "Re: lysozyme simulation"
- Reply: Chris Harrison: "Re: lysozyme simulation"
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