Tutorial-l Mailing List
From: Chunli Yan (utchunliyan_at_gmail.com)
Date: Wed Jul 26 2017 - 16:21:02 CDT
- Next message: Hugo Hearn: "yay Re: useful information for you"
- Previous message: Hicks, Stephanie N.: "(no subject)"
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I am trying to test swarms-string method tutorial using NAMD. NAMD 2.11 can
run successfully but I faced problems using NAMD2.12 below:
colvars: Trying to assign a colvar value with type "scalar number" to one
with type "3-dimensional unit vector".
FATAL ERROR: Error in the collective variables module: exiting.
I attached the colvar configure file.
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- application/octet-stream attachment: colvars_00.conf
- Next message: Hugo Hearn: "yay Re: useful information for you"
- Previous message: Hicks, Stephanie N.: "(no subject)"
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