ANARIDisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass for the Khronos ANARI rendering interface |
ANARIDisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass for the Khronos ANARI rendering interface |
ANARIRenderer.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass for the Khronos ANARI rendering interface |
ANARIRenderer.h [code] | |
androidvmdstart.C [code] | Android platform specific application startup code |
androidvmdstart.h [code] | Android platform specific application startup code |
Animation.C [code] | The Animation class stores pointers to Timestep objects that contain atomic coordinates and related time-varying data |
Animation.h [code] | The Animation class stores pointers to Timestep objects that contain atomic coordinates and related time-varying data |
ArtDisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to the ART ray tracer |
ArtDisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to the ART ray tracer |
Atom.h [code] | Class containing fundamental (required) atomic properties, topology information, and associated macros |
AtomColor.C [code] | Parse and maintain the data for how a molecule should be colored |
AtomColor.h [code] | Parse and maintain the data for how a molecule should be colored |
AtomLexer.C [code] | |
AtomParser.C [code] | |
AtomParser.h [code] | |
AtomRep.C [code] | |
AtomRep.h [code] | |
AtomSel.C [code] | |
AtomSel.h [code] | |
Axes.C [code] | |
Axes.h [code] | |
BaseMolecule.C [code] | Base class for all molecules, without display-specific information |
BaseMolecule.h [code] | Base class for all molecules, without display-specific information |
Benchmark.C [code] | |
Benchmark.h [code] | |
BondSearch.C [code] | |
BondSearch.h [code] | |
c_compiler.c [code] | APIs to report compile-time C standard and/or other compiler info |
c_compiler.h [code] | |
CaveDisplayDevice.C [code] | |
CaveDisplayDevice.h [code] | |
CaveRoutines.C [code] | |
CaveRoutines.h [code] | |
CaveScene.C [code] | Scene subclass that maintains a list of Displayable objects in shared memory and draws them in parallel on a CaveDisplayDevice |
CaveScene.h [code] | Scene subclass that maintains a list of Displayable objects in shared memory and draws them in parallel on a CaveDisplayDevice |
cmd_animate.C [code] | |
cmd_collab.C [code] | |
cmd_color.C [code] | |
cmd_display.C [code] | |
cmd_imd.C [code] | |
cmd_label.C [code] | |
cmd_material.C [code] | |
cmd_menu.C [code] | |
cmd_mobile.C [code] | |
cmd_mol.C [code] | |
cmd_mouse.C [code] | |
cmd_parallel.C [code] | |
cmd_plugin.C [code] | |
cmd_profile.C [code] | |
cmd_render.C [code] | |
cmd_spaceball.C [code] | |
cmd_tool.C [code] | |
cmd_trans.C [code] | |
cmd_user.C [code] | |
cmd_util.C [code] | |
cmd_videostream.C [code] | |
cmd_vmdbench.C [code] | |
CmdAnimate.C [code] | |
CmdAnimate.h [code] | |
CmdColor.C [code] | |
CmdColor.h [code] | |
CmdDisplay.C [code] | |
CmdDisplay.h [code] | |
CmdIMD.C [code] | |
CmdIMD.h [code] | |
CmdLabel.C [code] | |
CmdLabel.h [code] | |
CmdMaterial.C [code] | |
CmdMaterial.h [code] | |
CmdMenu.C [code] | |
CmdMenu.h [code] | |
CmdMol.C [code] | |
CmdMol.h [code] | |
CmdPlugin.h [code] | |
CmdRender.C [code] | |
CmdRender.h [code] | |
CmdTrans.C [code] | |
CmdTrans.h [code] | |
ColorFltkMenu.C [code] | |
ColorFltkMenu.h [code] | |
ColorInfo.C [code] | |
ColorScaleTables.h [code] | Freely licensed tabulated perceptually uniform color scales including sequential, linear, cyclic, isoluminance, and rainbow color scale types |
colvar.C [code] | |
colvar.h [code] | |
colvar_arithmeticpath.h [code] | |
colvar_geometricpath.h [code] | |
colvar_neuralnetworkcompute.C [code] | |
colvar_neuralnetworkcompute.h [code] | |
colvar_UIestimator.h [code] | |
colvaratoms.C [code] | |
colvaratoms.h [code] | |
colvarbias.C [code] | |
colvarbias.h [code] | |
colvarbias_abf.C [code] | |
colvarbias_abf.h [code] | |
colvarbias_alb.C [code] | |
colvarbias_alb.h [code] | |
colvarbias_histogram.C [code] | |
colvarbias_histogram.h [code] | |
colvarbias_histogram_reweight_amd.C [code] | |
colvarbias_histogram_reweight_amd.h [code] | |
colvarbias_meta.C [code] | |
colvarbias_meta.h [code] | |
colvarbias_restraint.C [code] | |
colvarbias_restraint.h [code] | |
colvarcomp.C [code] | |
colvarcomp.h [code] | |
colvarcomp_alchlambda.C [code] | |
colvarcomp_angles.C [code] | |
colvarcomp_apath.C [code] | |
colvarcomp_combination.C [code] | |
colvarcomp_coordnums.C [code] | |
colvarcomp_distances.C [code] | |
colvarcomp_gpath.C [code] | |
colvarcomp_neuralnetwork.C [code] | |
colvarcomp_protein.C [code] | |
colvarcomp_rotations.C [code] | |
colvarcomp_volmaps.C [code] | |
colvardeps.C [code] | |
colvardeps.h [code] | |
colvargrid.C [code] | |
colvargrid.h [code] | |
colvargrid_def.h [code] | |
colvarmodule.C [code] | |
colvarmodule.h [code] | |
colvarmodule_refs.h [code] | |
colvarmodule_utils.h [code] | |
colvarparams.C [code] | |
colvarparams.h [code] | |
colvarparse.C [code] | |
colvarparse.h [code] | |
colvarproxy.C [code] | |
colvarproxy.h [code] | |
colvarproxy_io.C [code] | |
colvarproxy_io.h [code] | |
colvarproxy_replicas.C [code] | |
colvarproxy_system.C [code] | |
colvarproxy_system.h [code] | |
colvarproxy_tcl.C [code] | |
colvarproxy_tcl.h [code] | |
colvarproxy_vmd.C [code] | |
colvarproxy_vmd.h [code] | |
colvarproxy_vmd_version.h [code] | |
colvarproxy_volmaps.C [code] | |
colvarproxy_volmaps.h [code] | |
colvars_version.h [code] | |
colvarscript.C [code] | |
colvarscript.h [code] | |
colvarscript_commands.C [code] | |
colvarscript_commands.h [code] | |
colvarscript_commands_bias.C [code] | |
colvarscript_commands_bias.h [code] | |
colvarscript_commands_colvar.C [code] | |
colvarscript_commands_colvar.h [code] | |
colvartypes.C [code] | |
colvartypes.h [code] | |
colvarvalue.C [code] | |
colvarvalue.h [code] | |
Command.h [code] | |
CommandQueue.C [code] | |
CommandQueue.h [code] | |
CoorData.h [code] | |
CoorPluginData.C [code] | |
CoorPluginData.h [code] | |
CUDAAccel.C [code] | VMD CUDA GPU and topology enumeration and management interface |
CUDAAccel.h [code] | VMD CUDA GPU and topology enumeration and management interface | [code] | Short benchmark kernels to measure GPU performance | [code] | CUDA utility to test and clear GPU memory systems to known values | [code] | GPU-native VMDDisplayList display command buffer packing routines | [code] | CUDA kernels for fast PBC wrapping | [code] | CUDA kernels for Gaussian blur filtering of 3-D volumes |
CUDAGaussianBlur.h [code] | CUDA kernels for Gaussian blur filtering of 3-D volumes |
CUDAKernels.h [code] | CUDA kernels and utility functions used by the CUDAAccel and throughout VMD | [code] | CUDA implementation of Marching Cubes |
CUDAMarchingCubes.h [code] | CUDA implementation of Marching Cubes | [code] | CUDA kernels for computing simulated cryo-EM density maps, cross correlations, and other MDFF-related calculations |
CUDAMDFF.h [code] | CUDA kernels for computing simulated cryo-EM density maps, cross correlations, and other MDFF-related calculations | [code] | CUDA Quaternion Characteristic Polynomial calculation |
CUDAMeasureQCP.h [code] | CUDA Quaternion Characteristic Polynomial calculation | [code] | CUDA kernels for calculating radial distribution function histograms | [code] | CUDA Orbital kernels for computing molecular orbital amplitudes on uniform grids |
CUDAOrbital.h [code] | CUDA Orbital kernels for computing molecular orbital amplitudes on uniform grids | [code] | High-level CUDA parallel prefix (scan) operations (sum, min, max, ...) (wrapping CUB, Thrust, etc) |
CUDAParPrefixOps.h [code] | High-level CUDA parallel prefix (scan) operations (sum, min, max, ...) (wrapping CUB, Thrust, etc) | [code] | CUDA accelerated QuickSurf gaussian density and surface calculation |
CUDAQuickSurf.h [code] | CUDA accelerated QuickSurf gaussian density and surface calculation | [code] | CUDA scale-space variant of Watershed image segmentation intended for use on 3-D cryo-EM density maps |
CUDASegmentation.h [code] | CUDA scale-space variant of Watershed image segmentation intended for use on 3-D cryo-EM density maps | [code] | High-level CUDA sorting functions (wrapping CUB, Thrust, etc) |
CUDASort.h [code] | High-level CUDA sorting functions (wrapping CUB, Thrust, etc) | [code] | CUDA kernels that build data structures for spatial sorting, hashing, and searching, used by QuickSurf, MDFF, etc |
CUDASpatialSearch.h [code] | CUDA kernels that build data structures for spatial sorting, hashing, and searching, used by QuickSurf, MDFF, etc | [code] | Lightweight CUDA helper routines for use by CUDAAccel | [code] | CUDA accelerated coulombic potential grid calculation | [code] | CUDA kernels for calculating implicit ligand sampling occupancy maps | [code] | CUDA-accelerated Watershed image segmentation |
CUDAWatershed.h [code] | CUDA-accelerated Watershed image segmentation | [code] | Runtime loader and wrapper for the NVIDIA NVML GPU management library |
CUDAWrapNVML.h [code] | Runtime loader and wrapper for the NVIDIA NVML GPU management library |
DepthSortObj.h [code] | |
DispCmds.C [code] | Display commands that marshall, pack, and store scene geometry in a VMDDisplayList object |
DispCmds.h [code] | Display commands that marshall, pack, and store scene geometry in a VMDDisplayList object |
Displayable.C [code] | Base class for all objects which are drawn in the DisplayDevice |
Displayable.h [code] | Base class for all objects which are drawn in the DisplayDevice |
DisplayDevice.C [code] | |
DisplayDevice.h [code] | |
DisplayFltkMenu.C [code] | |
DisplayFltkMenu.h [code] | |
DisplayRocker.C [code] | |
DisplayRocker.h [code] | |
DrawForce.C [code] | |
DrawForce.h [code] | |
DrawMolecule.C [code] | |
DrawMolecule.h [code] | |
DrawMolItem.C [code] | |
DrawMolItem.h [code] | |
DrawMolItem2.C [code] | |
DrawMolItemMSMS.C [code] | |
DrawMolItemNanoShaper.C [code] | |
DrawMolItemOrbital.C [code] | |
DrawMolItemQuickSurf.C [code] | |
DrawMolItemRibbons.C [code] | |
DrawMolItemRings.C [code] | |
DrawMolItemSurface.C [code] | |
DrawMolItemVolume.C [code] | |
DrawRingsUtils.C [code] | |
DrawRingsUtils.h [code] | |
FastPBC.C [code] | |
FastPBC.h [code] | |
FileChooserFltkMenu.C [code] | |
FileChooserFltkMenu.h [code] | |
FileRenderer.C [code] | |
FileRenderer.h [code] | |
FileRenderList.C [code] | |
FileRenderList.h [code] | |
fitrms.c [code] | |
fitrms.h [code] | |
FltkOpenGLDisplayDevice.C [code] | OpenGLRenderer subclass managing FLTK window and input state, OpenGL GLX context, and framebuffer management |
FltkOpenGLDisplayDevice.h [code] | OpenGLRenderer subclass managing FLTK window and input state, OpenGL GLX context, and framebuffer management |
FPS.C [code] | |
FPS.h [code] | |
Fragment.h [code] | |
frame_selector.C [code] | |
frame_selector.h [code] | |
FreeVRDisplayDevice.C [code] | |
FreeVRDisplayDevice.h [code] | |
FreeVRRoutines.C [code] | |
FreeVRRoutines.h [code] | |
FreeVRScene.C [code] | Scene subclass that maintains a list of Displayable objects in shared memory and draws them in parallel on a FreeVRDisplayDevice |
FreeVRScene.h [code] | Scene subclass that maintains a list of Displayable objects in shared memory and draws them in parallel on a FreeVRDisplayDevice |
GaussianBlur.C [code] | |
GaussianBlur.h [code] | |
GelatoDisplayDevice.C [code] | |
GelatoDisplayDevice.h [code] | |
GeometryAngle.C [code] | |
GeometryAngle.h [code] | |
GeometryAtom.C [code] | |
GeometryAtom.h [code] | |
GeometryBond.C [code] | |
GeometryBond.h [code] | |
GeometryDihedral.C [code] | |
GeometryDihedral.h [code] | |
GeometryFltkMenu.C [code] | |
GeometryFltkMenu.h [code] | |
GeometryList.C [code] | |
GeometryList.h [code] | |
GeometryMol.C [code] | |
GeometryMol.h [code] | |
GeometrySpring.C [code] | |
GeometrySpring.h [code] | |
glwin.c [code] | |
glwin.h [code] | |
GraphicsFltkMenu.C [code] | |
GraphicsFltkMenu.h [code] | |
GraphicsFltkReps.h [code] | |
GraphLayout.C [code] | Algorithms for 2-D and 3-D graph layouts needed for interactive clustering analysis tools, and similar usage. Currently based on a modified variation of the Fructherman-Reingold layout algorithm |
GraphLayout.h [code] | Algorithms for 2-D and 3-D graph layouts needed for interactive clustering analysis tools, and similar usage. Currently based on a modified variation of the Fructherman-Reingold layout algorithm |
hash.c [code] | |
hash.h [code] | |
Hershey.C [code] | |
Hershey.h [code] | |
HMDMgr.C [code] | |
HMDMgr.h [code] | |
ImageIO.C [code] | |
ImageIO.h [code] | |
imd.C [code] | |
imd.h [code] | |
IMDMgr.C [code] | |
IMDMgr.h [code] | |
IMDSim.C [code] | |
IMDSim.h [code] | |
IMDSimBlocking.C [code] | |
IMDSimBlocking.h [code] | |
IMDSimThread.C [code] | |
IMDSimThread.h [code] | |
Inform.C [code] | |
Inform.h [code] | |
inthash.c [code] | |
inthash.h [code] | |
intstack.c [code] | |
intstack.h [code] | |
Isocontour.C [code] | |
Isocontour.h [code] | |
Isosurface.C [code] | |
Isosurface.h [code] | |
JRegex.C [code] | |
JRegex.h [code] | |
JString.C [code] | |
JString.h [code] | |
LibGelatoDisplayDevice.C [code] | |
LibGelatoDisplayDevice.h [code] | |
LibTachyonDisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass for the built-in Tachyon ray tracing engine |
LibTachyonDisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass for the built-in Tachyon ray tracing engine |
linenoise.c [code] | |
linenoise.h [code] | |
macosxvmdstart.C [code] | MacOS X platform specific application startup code |
macosxvmdstart.h [code] | MacOS X platform specific application startup code |
MainFltkMenu.C [code] | |
MainFltkMenu.h [code] | |
MaterialFltkMenu.C [code] | |
MaterialFltkMenu.h [code] | |
MaterialList.C [code] | |
MaterialList.h [code] | |
Matrix4.C [code] | |
Matrix4.h [code] | |
MayaDisplayDevice.C [code] | |
MayaDisplayDevice.h [code] | |
MDFF.C [code] | |
MDFF.h [code] | |
Measure.C [code] | |
Measure.h [code] | |
MeasureCluster.C [code] | |
MeasurePBC.C [code] | |
MeasureQCP.C [code] | |
MeasureRDF.C [code] | |
MeasureSurface.C [code] | |
MeasureSymmetry.C [code] | |
MeasureSymmetry.h [code] | |
MeasureVolInterior.C [code] | |
MeasureVolInterior.h [code] | |
MobileButtons.C [code] | |
MobileButtons.h [code] | |
MobileInterface.C [code] | |
MobileInterface.h [code] | |
MobileTracker.C [code] | |
MobileTracker.h [code] | |
MolBrowser.C [code] | |
MolBrowser.h [code] | |
Molecule.C [code] | |
Molecule.h [code] | |
MoleculeGraphics.C [code] | |
MoleculeGraphics.h [code] | |
MoleculeList.C [code] | |
MoleculeList.h [code] | |
MolFilePlugin.C [code] | |
MolFilePlugin.h [code] | |
Mouse.C [code] | |
Mouse.h [code] | |
msmpot.c [code] | |
msmpot.h [code] | Library interface file |
msmpot_compute.c [code] | |
msmpot_cubic.c [code] | | [code] | |
msmpot_cuda.h [code] | | [code] | | [code] | |
msmpot_internal.h [code] | |
msmpot_setup.c [code] | |
MSMSInterface.C [code] | |
MSMSInterface.h [code] | |
NameList.h [code] | |
NanoShaperInterface.C [code] | |
NanoShaperInterface.h [code] | |
nr_jacobi.C [code] | |
nr_jacobi.h [code] | |
NVENCMgr.C [code] | |
NVENCMgr.h [code] | |
OpenCLKernels.h [code] | |
OpenCLOrbital.C [code] | |
OpenCLUtils.C [code] | |
OpenCLUtils.h [code] | |
OpenCLVolCPotential.C [code] | |
OpenGLCache.C [code] | Manage GPU caching of OpenGL resources and handles for OpenGLRenderer |
OpenGLCache.h [code] | Manage GPU caching of OpenGL resources and handles for OpenGLRenderer |
OpenGLDisplayDevice.C [code] | OpenGLRenderer subclass managing X-windows window and input state, OpenGL GLX context, and framebuffer management |
OpenGLDisplayDevice.h [code] | OpenGLRenderer subclass managing X-windows window and input state, OpenGL GLX context, and framebuffer management |
OpenGLExtensions.C [code] | Hardware query and runtime management of OpenGL API extension function pointers used within OpenGLRenderer and OpenGLShader classes |
OpenGLExtensions.h [code] | Hardware query and runtime management of OpenGL API extension function pointers used within OpenGLRenderer and OpenGLShader classes |
OpenGLPbufferDisplayDevice.C [code] | OpenGLRenderer subclass adding off-screen framebuffer and GLX- or EGL-based OpenGL context management |
OpenGLPbufferDisplayDevice.h [code] | OpenGLRenderer subclass adding off-screen framebuffer and GLX- or EGL-based OpenGL context management |
OpenGLRenderer.C [code] | Rendering-only DisplayDevice subclass that performs core OpenGL rendering operations to generate molecular graphics from VMDDisplayList tokens |
OpenGLRenderer.h [code] | Rendering-only DisplayDevice subclass that performs core OpenGL rendering operations to generate molecular graphics from VMDDisplayList tokens |
OpenGLShader.C [code] | Hardware query, JIT compilation, and runtime management of VMD's OpenGL programmable shaders |
OpenGLShader.h [code] | Hardware query, JIT compilation, and runtime management of VMD's OpenGL programmable shaders |
OpenGLStipples.h [code] | Hard-coded tables of polygon stipple patterns used for "screen door" transparency (old graphics hardware) |
OptiXDisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass for the OptiX-based GPU ray tracing engine |
OptiXDisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass for the OptiX-based GPU ray tracing engine |
OptiXRenderer.C [code] | VMD built-in Tachyon/OptiX ray tracing engine |
OptiXRenderer.h [code] | VMD built-in Tachyon/OptiX ray tracing engine | [code] | Core OptiX/CUDA ray tracing engine implementation |
OptiXShaders.h [code] | Core OptiX/CUDA ray tracing engine implementation |
Orbital.C [code] | Orbital class manages orbitals, SCF energies, etc, for a Timestep |
Orbital.h [code] | Orbital class manages orbitals, SCF energies, etc, for a Timestep |
Orbital_AVX2.C [code] | SIMD vectorized MO kernels for AVX2 instructions |
Orbital_AVX512.C [code] | SIMD vectorized MO kernels for AVX-512F instructions |
Orbital_AVX512ER.C [code] | SIMD vectorized MO kernels for AVX-512F + AVX-512ER instructions |
Orbital_NEON.C [code] | SIMD vectorized MO kernels for NEON instructions |
Orbital_SVE.C [code] | SIMD vectorized MO kernels for ARM SVE instructions |
OrbitalJIT.C [code] | Just-in-time (JIT) CUDA and OpenCL kernel generation for computation of molecular orbitals on a uniformly spaced grid |
OrbitalJIT.h [code] | Just-in-time (JIT) CUDA and OpenCL kernel generation for computation of molecular orbitals on a uniformly spaced grid |
OSPRay2DisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass for the OSPRay ray tracing engine |
OSPRay2DisplayDevice.h [code] | |
OSPRay2Renderer.C [code] | VMD built-in Tachyon/OSPRay ray tracing engine |
OSPRay2Renderer.h [code] | VMD built-in Tachyon/OSPRay ray tracing engine |
OSPRayDisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass for the OSPRay ray tracing engine |
OSPRayDisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass for the OSPRay ray tracing engine |
OSPRayRenderer.C [code] | VMD built-in Tachyon/OSPRay ray tracing engine |
OSPRayRenderer.h [code] | VMD built-in Tachyon/OSPRay ray tracing engine |
P_Buttons.C [code] | |
P_Buttons.h [code] | |
P_CaveButtons.C [code] | |
P_CaveButtons.h [code] | |
P_CaveTracker.C [code] | |
P_CaveTracker.h [code] | |
P_CmdTool.C [code] | |
P_CmdTool.h [code] | |
P_Feedback.h [code] | |
P_FreeVRButtons.C [code] | |
P_FreeVRButtons.h [code] | |
P_FreeVRTracker.C [code] | |
P_FreeVRTracker.h [code] | |
P_GrabTool.C [code] | |
P_GrabTool.h [code] | |
P_JoystickButtons.C [code] | |
P_JoystickButtons.h [code] | |
P_JoystickTool.C [code] | |
P_JoystickTool.h [code] | |
P_PinchTool.C [code] | |
P_PinchTool.h [code] | |
P_PrintTool.C [code] | |
P_PrintTool.h [code] | |
P_RotateTool.C [code] | |
P_RotateTool.h [code] | |
P_SensorConfig.C [code] | |
P_SensorConfig.h [code] | |
P_Tool.C [code] | |
P_Tool.h [code] | |
P_Tracker.C [code] | |
P_Tracker.h [code] | |
P_TugTool.C [code] | |
P_TugTool.h [code] | |
P_UIVR.C [code] | |
P_UIVR.h [code] | |
P_VRPNButtons.C [code] | |
P_VRPNButtons.h [code] | |
P_VRPNFeedback.C [code] | |
P_VRPNFeedback.h [code] | |
P_VRPNTracker.C [code] | |
P_VRPNTracker.h [code] | |
ParseTree.C [code] | |
ParseTree.h [code] | |
pcre.c [code] | |
pcre.h [code] | |
pcreinternal.h [code] | |
pcretables.h [code] | |
PeriodicTable.C [code] | |
PeriodicTable.h [code] | |
pg_accelerators.dox | |
pg_bugtracking.dox | |
pg_codestyle.dox | |
pg_compiling.dox | |
pg_configure.dox | |
pg_cvsget.dox | |
pg_devtools.dox | |
pg_execution.dox | |
pg_extprogs.dox | |
pg_faq.dox | |
pg_filestruct.dox | |
pg_intro.dox | |
pg_mainpage.dox | |
pg_makedistrib.dox | |
pg_mpi.dox | |
PhoneButtons.C [code] | |
PhoneButtons.h [code] | |
PhoneTracker.C [code] | |
PhoneTracker.h [code] | |
Pickable.h [code] | |
PickList.C [code] | |
PickList.h [code] | |
PickMode.h [code] | |
PickModeAddBond.C [code] | |
PickModeAddBond.h [code] | |
PickModeCenter.C [code] | |
PickModeCenter.h [code] | |
PickModeForce.C [code] | |
PickModeForce.h [code] | |
PickModeList.C [code] | |
PickModeList.h [code] | |
PickModeMolLabel.C [code] | |
PickModeMolLabel.h [code] | |
PickModeMove.C [code] | |
PickModeMove.h [code] | |
PickModeUser.C [code] | |
PickModeUser.h [code] | |
PlainTextInterp.C [code] | |
PlainTextInterp.h [code] | |
PluginMgr.C [code] | |
PluginMgr.h [code] | |
POV3DisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to POV v3.5+ |
POV3DisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to POV v3.5+ |
ProfileHooks.h [code] | CPU and GPU profiling utility routines and VMD-specific profiling tag definitions |
PSDisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to PostScript |
PSDisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to PostScript |
ptrstack.c [code] | |
ptrstack.h [code] | |
py_animate.C [code] | |
py_atomsel.C [code] | |
py_axes.C [code] | |
py_color.C [code] | |
py_commands.C [code] | |
py_commands.h [code] | |
py_display.C [code] | |
py_graphics.C [code] | |
py_imd.C [code] | |
py_label.C [code] | |
py_material.C [code] | |
py_measure.C [code] | |
py_menu.C [code] | |
py_molecule.C [code] | |
py_molrep.C [code] | |
py_mouse.C [code] | |
py_numeric.C [code] | |
py_render.C [code] | |
py_selection.C [code] | |
py_topo.C [code] | |
py_trans.C [code] | |
py_vmd.C [code] | |
PythonTextInterp.C [code] | |
PythonTextInterp.h [code] | |
QMData.C [code] | |
QMData.h [code] | |
QMTimestep.C [code] | |
QMTimestep.h [code] | |
QuickSurf.C [code] | |
QuickSurf.h [code] | |
QuickSurf_AVX2.C [code] | SIMD vectorized gaussian surface kernels for x86 CPUs with AVX2+FMA instructions |
QuickSurf_NEON.C [code] | SIMD vectorized gaussian surface kernels for NEON instructions |
R3dDisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to Raster3D |
R3dDisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to Raster3D |
RadianceDisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to Radiance |
RadianceDisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to Radiance |
RayShadeDisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to RayShade |
RayShadeDisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to RayShade |
RenderFltkMenu.C [code] | |
RenderFltkMenu.h [code] | |
RenderManDisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to RenderMan |
RenderManDisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to RenderMan |
Residue.h [code] | |
ResizeArray.h [code] | |
SaveTrajectoryFltkMenu.C [code] | |
SaveTrajectoryFltkMenu.h [code] | |
ScaleSpaceFilter.C [code] | |
ScaleSpaceFilter.h [code] | |
Scene.C [code] | Scene maintains a list of Displayable objects and draws them to the active DisplayDevice |
Scene.h [code] | Scene maintains a list of Displayable objects and draws them to the active DisplayDevice |
SDLOpenGLDisplayDevice.C [code] | OpenGLRenderer subclass managing SDL window and input state, OpenGL GLX context, and framebuffer management |
Segmentation.C [code] | |
Segmentation.h [code] | |
SelectionBuilder.C [code] | |
SelectionBuilder.h [code] | |
SmallRing.h [code] | |
SmallRingLinkages.h [code] | |
SnapshotDisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass that saves a DisplayDevice subclass screen shot to an image file |
SnapshotDisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass that saves a DisplayDevice subclass screen shot to an image file |
SortableArray.h [code] | |
Spaceball.C [code] | |
Spaceball.h [code] | |
SpaceballButtons.C [code] | |
SpaceballButtons.h [code] | |
SpaceballTracker.C [code] | |
SpaceballTracker.h [code] | |
SpatialSearch.C [code] | |
SpatialSearch.h [code] | |
SpringTool.C [code] | |
SpringTool.h [code] | |
Stack.h [code] | |
Stage.C [code] | |
Stage.h [code] | |
STLDisplayDevice.C [code] | |
STLDisplayDevice.h [code] | |
Stride.C [code] | |
Stride.h [code] | |
Surf.C [code] | |
Surf.h [code] | |
SymbolTable.C [code] | |
SymbolTable.h [code] | |
TachyonDisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to the Tachyon ray tracer |
TachyonDisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to the Tachyon ray tracer |
tcl_commands.C [code] | |
tcl_commands.h [code] | |
TclCommands.C [code] | |
TclCommands.h [code] | |
TclFastPBC.C [code] | |
TclGraphics.C [code] | |
TclGraphLayout.C [code] | Graph layout commands needed for interactive clustering analysis tools, and similar usage |
TclMDFF.C [code] | |
TclMDFF.h [code] | |
TclMeasure.C [code] | |
TclMolInfo.C [code] | |
TclSegmentation.C [code] | |
TclTextInterp.C [code] | |
TclTextInterp.h [code] | |
TclVec.C [code] | |
TclVolMap.C [code] | |
TclVoltool.C [code] | |
TextEvent.h [code] | |
TextInterp.h [code] | |
Timestep.C [code] | |
Timestep.h [code] | |
ToolFltkMenu.C [code] | |
ToolFltkMenu.h [code] | |
UIObject.C [code] | |
UIObject.h [code] | |
UIText.C [code] | |
UIText.h [code] | |
util_simd.C [code] | |
util_simd_AVX.C [code] | |
util_simd_AVX2.C [code] | |
util_simd_NEON.C [code] | SIMD vectorized kernels for ARM64 NEON instructions |
util_simd_SVE.C [code] | |
utilities.C [code] | |
utilities.h [code] | |
VideoStream.C [code] | |
VideoStream.h [code] | |
vmd.C [code] | |
vmd.frag [code] | |
vmd.h [code] | |
vmd.vert [code] | |
VMDApp.C [code] | |
VMDApp.h [code] | |
VMDCollab.C [code] | |
VMDCollab.h [code] | |
vmdconsole.c [code] | |
vmdconsole.h [code] | |
VMDDir.C [code] | |
VMDDir.h [code] | |
VMDDisplayList.C [code] | VMDDisplayList holds all of the display commands VMD generates and interprets to render the molecular scene |
VMDDisplayList.h [code] | VMDDisplayList holds all of the display commands VMD generates and interprets to render the molecular scene |
vmddlopen.c [code] | |
vmddlopen.h [code] | |
VMDFltkMenu.C [code] | |
VMDFltkMenu.h [code] | |
vmdfsinfo.c [code] | |
vmdfsinfo.h [code] | |
vmdmain.C [code] | |
VMDMenu.C [code] | |
VMDMenu.h [code] | |
VMDMPI.C [code] | |
VMDMPI.h [code] | |
VMDQuat.C [code] | |
VMDQuat.h [code] | |
vmdsock.c [code] | |
vmdsock.h [code] | |
vmdsphere.frag [code] | |
vmdsphere.vert [code] | |
vmdspheresprite.frag [code] | |
vmdspheresprite.vert [code] | |
VMDTitle.C [code] | |
VMDTitle.h [code] | |
VMDTkinterMenu.C [code] | |
VMDTkinterMenu.h [code] | |
VMDTkMenu.C [code] | |
VMDTkMenu.h [code] | |
VolCPotential.C [code] | |
VolCPotential.h [code] | |
VolMapCreate.C [code] | |
VolMapCreate.h [code] | |
VolMapCreateILS.C [code] | |
Voltool.C [code] | |
Voltool.h [code] | General volumetric data processing routines, particularly supporting MDFF. The methods included in this class are are only expected to function correctly for orthorhombic volumes with uniform grid spacing on all three axes. More fully-generalized volume operators and subroutines are in the VolumetricData class |
VolumeTexture.C [code] | |
VolumeTexture.h [code] | |
VolumetricData.C [code] | |
VolumetricData.h [code] | Base class for storing and operating on volumetric data, and associated gradient data. All of the methods included in this class are expected to function correctly for volumes with non-uniform grid spacing among the three axes and for non-orthorhombic shapes. Volumetric operations that only support orthorhombic volumes with uniform grid spacing are best included in Voltools or another task-specific subclass or subroutine collection |
VRJugglerApp.C [code] | |
VRJugglerApp.h [code] | |
VRJugglerButtons.C [code] | |
VRJugglerButtons.h [code] | |
VRJugglerDisplayDevice.C [code] | |
VRJugglerDisplayDevice.h [code] | |
VRJugglerRoutines.C [code] | |
VRJugglerRoutines.h [code] | |
VRJugglerScene.C [code] | |
VRJugglerScene.h [code] | |
VRJugglerSharedData.C [code] | |
VRJugglerSharedData.h [code] | |
VRJugglerTracker.C [code] | |
VRJugglerTracker.h [code] | |
Vrml2DisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to a VRML2 file |
Vrml2DisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to a VRML2 file |
VrmlDisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to a VRML file |
VrmlDisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to a VRML file |
Watershed.C [code] | |
Watershed.h [code] | |
WavefrontDisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to Wavefront OBJ format |
WavefrontDisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to Wavefront OBJ format |
Win32ftp.C [code] | Windows FTP client used for old webpdb/mol pdbload implementations |
Win32ftp.h [code] | Windows FTP client used for old webpdb/mol pdbload implementations |
Win32Joystick.C [code] | Win32Joystick UIObject that maintains the current joystick state |
Win32Joystick.h [code] | Win32Joystick UIObject that maintains the current joystick state |
Win32OpenGLDisplayDevice.C [code] | OpenGLRenderer subclass managing Win32/Win64 window and input state, OpenGL WGL context, and framebuffer management |
win32vmdstart.c [code] | Win32/64 platform specific application startup code |
win32vmdstart.h [code] | Win32/64 platform specific application startup code |
WKFThreads.C [code] | Cross-platform APIs for multithreading and atomic ops |
WKFThreads.h [code] | Cross-platform APIs for multithreading and atomic ops |
WKFUtils.C [code] | Cross-platform APIs for high-precision timers and status messaging |
WKFUtils.h [code] | Cross-platform APIs for high-precision timers and status messaging |
X3DDisplayDevice.C [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to the X3D format |
X3DDisplayDevice.h [code] | FileRenderer subclass to export molecular graphics to the X3D format | [code] | |