These are images produced by the current and former members of the Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group. Select a category, or see all images.
Viruses -- Photosynthesis-Related Systems -- Proteins Interacting With Lipids -- Channels and Transporters -- Ribosome-related Systems -- Motor Proteins -- Muscle Proteins -- Lipids -- Inorganic Systems -- DNA/RNA Interacting Proteins -- Other
Atomic model of the immature retroviral lattice of Rous Sarcoma Virus - Boon Chong Goh, 2014 (request)
HIV Virion - Thomas Splettstoesser, 2014 (request)
Lentiviral Capsid Prairie - Juan Perilla, 2014 (request)
HIV Capsid - Juan Perilla, 2014 (request)
Maturation of Nudaurelia capensis omega Virus Capsid - Boon Chong Goh, 2014 (request)
Poliovirus-Receptor Complex - Ross Bodnar, 2014 (request)
Poliovirus - Ross Bodnar, 2013 (request)
HIV-1 capsid 'in vitro' and 'in silico' - Juan R. Perilla, Gongpu Zhao, Angela Gronenborn and Peijun Zhang, 2013 (request)
Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus capsid - Yanxin Liu, 2013 (request)
HIV Capsid - Juan Perilla, 2013 (request)
HIV capsid in glass envelope - Juan Perilla, 2013 (request)
HIV capsid in glass envelope - Juan Perilla, 2013 (request)
Cylindrical HIV capsid protein assembly - Juan Perilla, 2012 (request)
Satellite Tobacco Mosaic Virus - John Stone, 2011 (request)
Satellite Tobacco Mosaic Virus - Johan Strumpfer, 2011 (request)
Full structure of satellite tobacco mosaic virus, complete with protein, RNA, ions, and a small water box - Anton Arkhipov and Peter Freddolino, 2009 (request)
All-atom model of the polivirus capsid with 60 receptors bound to the capsid (request)
Crystal structure of the RNA from satellite tobacco mosaic virus, with an artificial nucleic acid sequence. Adenine residues are shown in yellow, and uracil in red (request)