From: John Stone (
Date: Fri Jul 20 2001 - 10:20:06 CDT

  Here is another bounced non-member submission from earlier
this week. If anyone else has experienced the problem that
Eric describes, please let him (and us) know so we can make sure
it gets fixed before the final release if possible. We haven't seen
this problem on any of the machines in our lab or at home, but we're
a small sample population of the hardware that's out there.
  John Stone

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From: Erik Evensen <>
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Subject: cylinder drawing bug in 1.7b1 on NT?
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I've found a possible bug in 1.7b1 on NT.

Loading a small molecule from a PDB format file then
selecting either bonds or licorice representation
causes VMD 1.7b1 to crash under NT (Service Pack 6,
3DLabs Oxygen VX1 card).

I tried the same thing with the IRIX build and it works.

Has anyone encountered the same behaviour?


Erik Evensen, Ph.D.

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