VMD-L Mailing List
From: Johannes Müllegger (hannes_at_zymeworks.com)
Date: Mon Jun 23 2008 - 11:23:24 CDT
- Next message: S.K. Ghosh: "Making a water-only sphere"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: How to visualize iron and chlorine properly."
- In reply to: Sebastian Stolzenberg: "how to export into postscript with MultiPlot in tcl mode?"
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what we've been doing is to call xmgrace for writing eps files.
Perhaps not the most elegant solution but functional ....
'exec gracebat $filename.dat -hardcopy -hdevice EPS -printfile
You have to write out a file with your data, which gives you the
chance to add some xmgrace formatting, i.e:
# write a xmgrace header for the file
puts $out "@ page size 1200, 600"
puts $out "@ g0 on"
puts $out "@ with g0"
puts $out "@ title \"TITLE HERE\""
puts $out "@ subtitle \"SUBTITLE HERE\""
puts $out "@ xaxis label \"X-Axis\""
puts $out "@ yaxis label \"Y-Axis\""
hope that helps,
On 22-Jun-08, at 5:01 PM, Sebastian Stolzenberg wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> In VMD Tcl mode, I know how to export a plot to xmgrace:
> $plothandle export xmgrace export.plot
> but how about to postscript?
> $plothandle export PostScript export.ps
> gives no errors, but also no export.ps.
> Thank you,
> Best,
> Sebastian
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- Next message: S.K. Ghosh: "Making a water-only sphere"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: How to visualize iron and chlorine properly."
- In reply to: Sebastian Stolzenberg: "how to export into postscript with MultiPlot in tcl mode?"
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