VMD-L Mailing List
From: Lixia Jin Day (ljin12_at_asu.edu)
Date: Thu Jul 31 2008 - 15:58:28 CDT
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: VMD crasch"
- Previous message: Eric H. Lee: "Re: VMD crasch"
- Next in thread: Eric H. Lee: "Re: VMD crasch"
- Reply: Eric H. Lee: "Re: VMD crasch"
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I recently reinstalled my systerm (WinXP). Everything was cleaned on
the C drive.
Now when I run VMD on this newly installed computer it(VMD) crasch
very frequently. This happened before only when there is not enough
memory. Now it happens every time when I use it. Even when I set
draing method to tube, for example.
This happens both for VMD1.8.6, and for the older version 1.8.3, which
is on the D drive.
I believe there is a problem with Window, not VMD. But any has an idea
what is wrong?
Thank you!
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: VMD crasch"
- Previous message: Eric H. Lee: "Re: VMD crasch"
- Next in thread: Eric H. Lee: "Re: VMD crasch"
- Reply: Eric H. Lee: "Re: VMD crasch"
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