VMD-L Mailing List
From: aneesh cna (aneeshcna_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Aug 29 2008 - 07:26:26 CDT
- Next message: Suman Chakrabarty: "Re: TXT program editor"
- Previous message: bo liu: "Re: TXT program editor"
- Next in thread: Ramya Gamini: "Re: algorithm for finding center of mass of the side chains in the protein"
- Reply: Ramya Gamini: "Re: algorithm for finding center of mass of the side chains in the protein"
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Repected VMD users,
If I am writning script for finding the center of mass for side
chains in a protein, how my script should find the side chains?.
Thanks in advance
- Next message: Suman Chakrabarty: "Re: TXT program editor"
- Previous message: bo liu: "Re: TXT program editor"
- Next in thread: Ramya Gamini: "Re: algorithm for finding center of mass of the side chains in the protein"
- Reply: Ramya Gamini: "Re: algorithm for finding center of mass of the side chains in the protein"
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