VMD-L Mailing List
From: Axel Kohlmeyer (akohlmey_at_cmm.chem.upenn.edu)
Date: Tue Oct 14 2008 - 11:13:11 CDT
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: intersurf in vmd"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: why atomselection "protein" can not choose all the protein atoms with different alternate locations?"
- In reply to: Benjamin Bouvier: "Deleting frames / molecules does not free up memory!"
- Next in thread: Benjamin Bouvier: "Re: Deleting frames / molecules does not free up memory!"
- Reply: Benjamin Bouvier: "Re: Deleting frames / molecules does not free up memory!"
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On Tue, 14 Oct 2008, Benjamin Bouvier wrote:
BB> Hi all,
hi benjamin,
BB> set startlist [ lsort [ glob *.coor ] ]
BB> foreach start $startlist {
BB> cd $coordir
BB> set mnum [ mol load pdb $start ]
please use "mol new" the "mol load" syntax is deprecated
and will be removed at some point.
BB> cd $trajdir
BB> set traj [ join "[ lindex [ split $start . ] 0 ] dcd" . ]
BB> mol addfile $traj first $startframe last $endframe step
BB> $stepframe waitfor all molid mnum
BB> 2. Then comes some analysis (irrelevant to my problem)...
i disagree. the vast majority of memory leak problems so far
could be traced back to calls to atomselect without the
proper deletions.
BB> 3. Before going on to the next trajectory, I try to free up memory:
BB> puts "Done with window $start..."
BB> animate delete all
BB> mol delete $mnum
BB> }
BB> The whole thing seems to work, but memory usage keeps climbing and the
BB> script runs out of memory after 4-5 trajectories... So it seems the "mol
BB> delete" and "animate delete" commands do not release the memory, as I
just "mol delete $mnum" should suffice.
BB> thought they would.
BB> Any clues ?
do you see the same problem _without_ the analysis?
if yes, does it still happen with the latest alpha build?
BB> BTW: This is VMD 1.8.6 on 64-bit Linux.
BB> Cheers,
BB> ----
BB> Benjamin
-- ======================================================================= Axel Kohlmeyer akohlmey_at_cmm.chem.upenn.edu http://www.cmm.upenn.edu Center for Molecular Modeling -- University of Pennsylvania Department of Chemistry, 231 S.34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323 tel: 1-215-898-1582, fax: 1-215-573-6233, office-tel: 1-215-898-5425 ======================================================================= If you make something idiot-proof, the universe creates a better idiot.
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: intersurf in vmd"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: why atomselection "protein" can not choose all the protein atoms with different alternate locations?"
- In reply to: Benjamin Bouvier: "Deleting frames / molecules does not free up memory!"
- Next in thread: Benjamin Bouvier: "Re: Deleting frames / molecules does not free up memory!"
- Reply: Benjamin Bouvier: "Re: Deleting frames / molecules does not free up memory!"
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