VMD-L Mailing List
From: aneesh cna (aneeshcna_at_gmail.com)
Date: Wed Dec 03 2008 - 05:32:57 CST
- Next message: Leonardo Trabuco: "Re: atom selection"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: To find the residues on each side of the protein"
- Next in thread: Leonardo Trabuco: "Re: atom selection"
- Reply: Leonardo Trabuco: "Re: atom selection"
- Reply: Joaquim Rui Rodrigues: "Re: atom selection"
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Respected VMD users,
I would like to know how to select particular atom around another
atom, for e.g I want to select atom ' F1' within 5 angstrom of another atom,
say ' C1'. The command ' within 5 of resid 2 and type C1' ( in graphical
representation window ) will select all the atoms within 5 angstrom of C1
in residue 1, but I want to select only the ' F1' atoms around C1 within 5
A. How to do such selection?
Thanks in advance
- Next message: Leonardo Trabuco: "Re: atom selection"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: To find the residues on each side of the protein"
- Next in thread: Leonardo Trabuco: "Re: atom selection"
- Reply: Leonardo Trabuco: "Re: atom selection"
- Reply: Joaquim Rui Rodrigues: "Re: atom selection"
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