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From: Andres Morales N (andresmoralesn2_at_hotmail.com)
Date: Mon May 11 2009 - 21:44:55 CDT
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I have a clsuter of strcutures, so I need to align them and to get the average structure. I tried with this script:
set seltext "protein"
set mol top;
set stride 1;
set frame_start 0;
set num_steps [molinfo $mol get numframes]
set frame_end $num_steps;
set frame_reference 0;
#Aligning Selection
set sel [atomselect $mol "$seltext"];
set reference [atomselect $mol "$seltext" frame $frame_reference]
set compare [atomselect $mol "$seltext"]
set all [atomselect $mol all]
for {set frame $frame_start} {$frame < $frame_end} {} {
$compare frame $frame
$all frame $frame
set trans_mat [measure fit $compare $reference]
$all move $trans_mat
set rmsd [measure rmsd $compare $reference]
puts "$frame $rmsd"
set frame [expr $frame + $stride];
display update
#Average Structure Calculation
set frame 0;
set indices 0;
lvarpop indices;
set newcoords 0;
lvarpop newcoords;
set num_steps2 [expr (($frame_end - $frame_start) / $stride) + 1]
puts "The number of steps is $num_steps2"
set inv_num_steps [expr 1.0 / $num_steps2]
set indices [$sel get index];
foreach indice $indices {
set suma [veczero];
puts "Index is $indice";
for {set frame $frame_start} {$frame < $frame_end} {} {
set seli [atomselect $mol "index $indice" frame $frame];
set coord [$seli get {x y z}];
foreach pieza $coord {
puts "The coordinates are $coord en frame $frame";
set suma [vecadd $suma $pieza];
set frame [expr $frame + $stride];
$seli delete;
set resul [vecscale $inv_num_steps $suma];
lappend newcoords $resul;
set frame 0;
$sel set {x y z} $newcoords;
$sel writepdb average_selection.pdb
display update;
But I did not get good results. I measured rgyr of averaged structure and it was around 8 A, so I measured rgyr of all structures from cluster, and everyone was about 11 A. So I think something is wrong with alignment. But I do not know what. I wait somebody can help me.
Also I was trying with the script Alignment to principal axes from http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/script_library/scripts/orient/. It is only for one strcuture.
If somebody know how to use it to align many strcutures with that, please help me.
Thanks a lot
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- Next message: Suman Chakrabarty: "Re: How to compute excluded volume using volmap?"
- Previous message: cmhartshorn: "Re: selecting waters"
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