From: David Tanner (
Date: Tue May 19 2009 - 11:00:30 CDT

A PDB file ends with the line 'END'. If you use the 'cat' command to
concatenate 2 PDB files, you still need to remove the 'END' and other
non-ATOM lines from the middle of the PDB file. Did you already remove these
Thank you,
David E. Tanner

David E. Tanner
Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group
3159 Beckman Institute
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
405 N. Mathews
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 244 - 2905

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 6:07 PM, Lalit <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a situation.
> I got two separate pdb files. one - A lipid bilayer with water on both
> sides, plus Z & minus Z direction, and say, named as BL1_WAT.pdb. Second - a
> protein pdb file, say, named as prot_only.pdb.
> Now, I want to put the protein manually 'at a particular place' within the
> lipid bilayer. This I was able to do (using moveby command). Once, I placed
> the protein wherever I wanted to, I saved the prot_only.pdb file as say,
> prot_only_final.pdb file.
> Here, so far, whenever, I visualized the protein's pdb file I was using:
> Coloring Method: Structure & Drawing Method: NewCartoon AND it was looking
> OK as it should be.
> However, when I just added/concatenated/copied & pasted the two pdb files,
> likewise, BL1_WAT.pdb and prot_only_final.pdb INTO a single pdb file, say,
> BL_and_prot.pdb file and then made the selection: "protein" within Graphical
> Representation (after loading the file: BL_and_prot.pdb) and wanted to 'see'
> the protein using--> Coloring Method: Structure & Drawing Method:
> NewCartoon, it wasn't possible?
> So, the situation is that when I have two separate pdb files (one of then
> is a common protein's pdb file) I was able to visualize the protein
> using: Coloring Method: Structure & Drawing Method: NewCartoon BUT when I
> just add this protein's pdb file with another system's (equilibrated lipid
> bilayer with water & ions) pdb file, I wasn't able to make the selection
> (for protein or corresponding residue IDs) as: Coloring Method: Structure &
> Drawing Method: NewCartoon.
> I know, initially, there are lots of clashes/overlapping between protein's
> residues and water/lipid residues (and I expect to remove these steric
> clashes during equibrium) but still I want to 'visualize' the protein (as
> Coloring Method: Structure & Drawing Method: NewCartoon ) and I know its a
> common practice!
> Let, me also add that, when my protein was, say, 10 Angstrom away from one
> of the sides of the bilayer I was able to 'visulize' the protein as Coloring
> Method: Structure & Drawing Method: NewCartoon. However, as the protein
> approaches the bilayer and as such I adjusted the protein the way I wanted
> it to place (at the lipid/water interface) I wasn't able to 'visualize' the
> protein as Coloring Method: Structure & Drawing Method: NewCartoon.
> I am missing something here. Please help.
> Many Thanks,
> --- Lalit
> Note: I don't want topology/parameters for the combined (protein & lipid
> bilayer) system or don't need to use combine.tcl script(s) as I am getting
> parameters/topology files from amber.