VMD-L Mailing List
From: Damian Loska (damian.loska_at_gmail.com)
Date: Sun Aug 30 2009 - 11:42:14 CDT
- Next message: Soumya Lipsa Rath: "superimpose two proteins with different residue numbers"
- Previous message: Joshua D. Moore: "Re: tinkerxyz"
- Next in thread: Kirby Vandivort: "Re: VMD, MultiSeq, STAMP"
- Reply: Kirby Vandivort: "Re: VMD, MultiSeq, STAMP"
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I have a problem with MultiSeq
I'm learning how to use VMD from tutorials.
When I following by this tutorial:
error messages appears
When I open Extensions -> Analysis -> MultiSeq in terminal apperas
information about errors:
MultiSeq Info) MultiSeq r3b10
MultiSeq Reference) In any publication of scientific results based
completely or
MultiSeq Reference) in part on the use of MultiSeq, please reference:
MultiSeq Reference) Elijah Roberts, John Eargle, Dan Wright, and Zaida
MultiSeq Reference) Schulten. MultiSeq: Unifying sequence and structure data
MultiSeq Reference) evolutionary analysis. BMC Bioinformatics. 2006,7:382.
MultiSeq Info) Setting new temp options to /usr/tmp
MultiSeq Info) Loading multiseq resource file: /root/.multiseqrc
MultiSeq Info) Loaded multiseq preferences.
MultiSeq Info) Retrieving multiseq db version from:
MultiSeq Error) message: couldn't open
"/usr/tmp/multiseq-9034367100817322.versions.txt": no such file or directory
MultiSeq Info) Retrieving multiseq db version from:
MultiSeq Error) message: couldn't open
"/usr/tmp/multiseq-9034367100817322.versions.txt": no such file or directory
MultiSeq Info) Retrieving multiseq db version from:
MultiSeq Error) message: couldn't open
"/usr/tmp/multiseq-9034367100817322.versions.txt": no such file or directory
MultiSeq Info) Retrieving multiseq db version from:
MultiSeq Error) message: couldn't open
"/usr/tmp/multiseq-9034367100817322.versions.txt": no such file or directory
MultiSeq Info) Retrieving multiseq db version from:
MultiSeq Info) Retrieving multiseq db version from:
Info) In any publication of scientific results based in part or
Info) completely on the use of the program STRIDE, please reference:
Info) Frishman,D & Argos,P. (1995) Knowledge-based secondary structure
Info) assignment. Proteins: structure, function and genetics, 23, 566-579.
I checked this link:
http://www.scs.uiuc.edu/multiseq/r3/versions_LINUX.txt- there's no any
Next, when I try Tools --> Stamp Structural Alignment --> OK
the error message appears:
The STAMP alignment failed with the following
error message:
couldn't open
":no such file or directory"
and information in terminal:
^T^TUnable to open file /usr/tmp/multiseq-9034367100817322.0.pdb for writing
ERROR) Unable to open file /usr/tmp/multiseq-9034367100817322.0.pdb of type
pdb for writing frames.
Unable to open file /usr/tmp/multiseq-9034367100817322.1.pdb for writing
ERROR) Unable to open file /usr/tmp/multiseq-9034367100817322.1.pdb of type
pdb for writing frames.
MultiSeq Error)
The selection in sequence 1j4n_X was not of the same type as the other
sequences and can not be aligned to them.
while executing
"error "The selection in sequence [::SeqData::getName $sequenceID] was not
of the same type as the other sequences and can not be aligned to them.""
(procedure "::STAMP::alignStructures" line 53)
invoked from within
"::STAMP::alignStructures $regionSequenceIDs $scan $scanslide $scanscore
$slowscan $npass"
How could I solve this problem?
I use Linux Ubuntu 9.04, and VMD 1.8.7beta5,
- Next message: Soumya Lipsa Rath: "superimpose two proteins with different residue numbers"
- Previous message: Joshua D. Moore: "Re: tinkerxyz"
- Next in thread: Kirby Vandivort: "Re: VMD, MultiSeq, STAMP"
- Reply: Kirby Vandivort: "Re: VMD, MultiSeq, STAMP"
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