From: Axel Kohlmeyer (
Date: Mon Oct 12 2009 - 08:39:20 CDT

On Sun, 2009-10-11 at 22:58 -0500, Ale Gomez wrote:
> Hi everyone.

hi ale,

> I am trying to use the membrane plugin to some of my research but I
> realize that with this plugin I have just two lipid options: POPC or
> POPE. Just for fun, or for made something new, I want to create a
> membrane with other lipid, for example POPS. Have anyone an Idea what
> can I do?.

check out the script code and the existing files in the membrane plugin
directory. all you'd have to do is to add POPS as an additional option
and then provide a compatible .pdb/.psf file pair.


> Thanks in Advance.
> solamente después de cortado el ultimo árbol, capturado el
> ultimo pez, y contaminado el ultimo río el hombre comprenderá
> qué no puede comerse su dinero...
> Únete a [r]evolución energética...

Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer 
Institute for Computational Molecular Science
College of Science and Technology
Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA.