VMD-L Mailing List
From: Yu Fang (y.fang2_at_ugrad.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Mon Dec 14 2009 - 17:41:06 CST
- Next message: Rob: "File owner/group settings after installing precompiled VMD."
- Previous message: Ranyere Deyler: "solvating diferent regions in VMD"
- Maybe in reply to: sarah k: "Re: paratool - parameter generation from gaussian log files"
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Hi Nuno
Yes I tried this and it worked, although I couldn't import the resulting
log file into paratool afterwards. It may be because I am using g98.
I'll try to do it with g03.
> Hi Yu,
> I think the error in gaussian is a mistake in one of the keywords of
> the input file.
> Instead of the FREQ you should put OPT.
> Note that the modredundant option requires some input after the
> coordinates of the molecule. It is generally used to constrain some
> bonds or freeze some atoms.
> Regards, Nuno
>> %chk=dopamine_transf.chk
>> %nproc=1
>> %mem=1GB
>> # RHF/6-31G* Geom=(AllCheck,ModRedundant) OPT=(Modredundant,ReadFC)
>> IOp(7/33=2)
>> (numbers follow)
> On Dec 10, 2009, at 4:17 AM, Yu Fang wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I have a question regarding the vmd paratool plugin
>> As I understand it this plugin is capable of reading the gaussian QM
>> simluation log files and computing the CHARMM force field parameters
>> for
>> bonds, angles and dihedrals based on this information.
>> I understand how the CHARMM topology & parameter files work for
>> NAMD, but
>> I am new to gaussian. I am trying to parametize a few small ligand
>> molecules, for which comparison to atom types in the default parameter
>> file that comes with namd is not good enough.
>> What I have done is
>> -selected atom types and assigned VDW parameters (using default
>> topology/parameter file that comes with namd)
>> -autogenerated internal co-ordinates
>> -performed the optimized geometry and single point calcs in gaussian
>> as
>> required by paratool and imported in the respective log files
>> successfully.
>> However, I cannot figure out what to do next to get paratools to
>> generate
>> the CHARMM parameters for me.
>> I tried to perform a co-ordinate transformation QM job in gaussian,
>> thinking this might be required. As I said, I am new to gaussian, so
>> I do
>> not know what this job does. Anyhow the gaussian input file paratool
>> generated for me did not work, I suspect because I am using g98
>> instead of
>> g03.
>> This gaussian input file options are shown below:
>> %chk=dopamine_transf.chk
>> %nproc=1
>> %mem=1GB
>> # RHF/6-31G* Geom=(AllCheck,ModRedundant) Freq=(Modredundant,ReadFC)
>> IOp(7/33=2)
>> (numbers follow)
>> running this file, g98 seems to complain that
>> "Freq=(Modredundant,ReadFC)"
>> contained a syntax error.
>> The gaussian log file looks like the following:
>> *********************************************
>> Gaussian 98: x86-Linux-G98RevA.7 11-Apr-1999
>> 10-Dec-2009
>> *********************************************
>> %chk=dopamine_transf.chk
>> %nproc=1
>> Will use up to 1 processors via shared memory.
>> %mem=1GB
>> Default route: MaxDisk=2000MW
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> # RHF/6-31G* Geom=(AllCheck,ModRedundant) Freq=(Modredundant,ReadFC) I
>> Op(7/33=2)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> So, in short, I would like to know what I need to do next to
>> generate the
>> CHARMM parameters using paratools. If I need to perform a co-ordinate
>> transformation gaussian job, what are the options I should use in the
>> input file for g98.
>> Any help much appreciated.
>> Yu
- Next message: Rob: "File owner/group settings after installing precompiled VMD."
- Previous message: Ranyere Deyler: "solvating diferent regions in VMD"
- Maybe in reply to: sarah k: "Re: paratool - parameter generation from gaussian log files"
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