VMD-L Mailing List
From: Olaf Lenz (lenzo_at_mpip-mainz.mpg.de)
Date: Wed Jan 06 2010 - 05:57:47 CST
- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: VMD hangs up with a file size ~ 1.2 GB ?"
- Previous message: Olaf Lenz: "Re: UNIT CELL"
- In reply to: maria goranovic: "VMD hangs up with a file size ~ 1.2 GB ?"
- Next in thread: maria goranovic: "Re: VMD hangs up with a file size ~ 1.2 GB ?"
- Maybe reply: maria goranovic: "Re: VMD hangs up with a file size ~ 1.2 GB ?"
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On 01/06/2010 11:32 AM, maria goranovic wrote:
> I am using VMD v. 1.8.6 to load up a trajectory of ~ 1.2 GB on the VMD
> GUI on my linux box which has 4GB memory, and a 512 MB Nvidia card. VMD
> hangs up, and freezes the entire system. Any ideas why this should
> happen ? VMD also slows down considerably when I load up such large
> files. Any ideas or solutions?
VMD 1.8.6 consumes a lot of memory for the particle data. This has
improved significantly with the latest VMD version (1.8.7). So, the
solution is to install VMD 1.8.7.
- --
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- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: VMD hangs up with a file size ~ 1.2 GB ?"
- Previous message: Olaf Lenz: "Re: UNIT CELL"
- In reply to: maria goranovic: "VMD hangs up with a file size ~ 1.2 GB ?"
- Next in thread: maria goranovic: "Re: VMD hangs up with a file size ~ 1.2 GB ?"
- Maybe reply: maria goranovic: "Re: VMD hangs up with a file size ~ 1.2 GB ?"
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