VMD-L Mailing List
From: Vlad Cojocaru (Vlad.Cojocaru_at_eml-r.villa-bosch.de)
Date: Fri Jan 08 2010 - 07:56:16 CST
- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: VMD lammps plugin: a possible bug"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: vmd 1.8.7 getting the terminal free"
- Next in thread: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: allowing negative 'resid' numbers in selection strings"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: allowing negative 'resid' numbers in selection strings"
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Dear VMD developers,
Is it possible to change the VMD code such as to allow negative numbers
in selection strings using the keyword 'resid' ?
In many PDB files, residues that were added at the N-terminus of a
protein for the purification are labeled with negative resids. Currently
VMD does not allow negative 'resids' in selection strings. However the
command "[ atomselect $molid "$string" ] get resid" outputs a list which
contains the negative 'resids'. This creates a bit of confusion in
scripts that process pdb files with negative 'resids'
Best wishes
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Vlad Cojocaru EML Research gGmbH Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33 69118 Heidelberg Tel: ++49-6221-533202 Fax: ++49-6221-533298 e-mail:Vlad.Cojocaru[at]eml-r.villa-bosch.de http://projects.villa-bosch.de/mcm/people/cojocaru/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EML Research gGmbH Amtgericht Mannheim / HRB 337446 Managing Partner: Dr. h.c. Klaus Tschira Scientific and Managing Director: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Reuter http://www.eml-r.org ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: VMD lammps plugin: a possible bug"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: vmd 1.8.7 getting the terminal free"
- Next in thread: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: allowing negative 'resid' numbers in selection strings"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: allowing negative 'resid' numbers in selection strings"
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