VMD-L Mailing List
From: Axel Kohlmeyer (akohlmey_at_gmail.com)
Date: Mon Feb 08 2010 - 11:47:35 CST
- Next message: Irene Newhouse: "how long do ILS runs take?"
- Previous message: Dipesh Bhattarai: "Converting tracker coordinates to molecule coordinate for selection"
- In reply to: Christopher McLean: "Blank thumbnails and non-working snapshots"
- Next in thread: Christopher McLean: "RE: Blank thumbnails and non-working snapshots"
- Reply: Christopher McLean: "RE: Blank thumbnails and non-working snapshots"
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On Mon, 2010-02-08 at 15:55 +0000, Christopher McLean wrote:
> Hi,
hi chris,
> One of our students is having issues with the ViewMaster plugin. When
> snapshots are taken, and the project saved, upon reloading, the
> thumbnails are blank and clicking one of the thumbnails does not
> reload the view. The thumbnails look fine upon creation before
> save/reload.
confirmed. i see the same thing here on a fedora 12 x86_64 machine
with the current development code. after reloading the state, some
more things seem to be broken. like new representations can only be
created for lines and points.
unfortunately, i cannot give any pointers as to how to resolve this.
it looks like something deep inside of VMD is going wrong. using
valgrind doesn't show anything unusual.
can you please check what platform your user is using, and perhaps
have him or her try a different platform? that could provide a hint
where to look.
> Any help or pointers would be appreciated.
> Regards
> Chris
> +------------------------------------------------+
> | Chris McLean -- MaPS Linux systems manager |
> | |
> | Email: c.j.mclean_at_leeds.ac.uk |
> | Support:http://www.maps.leeds.ac.uk/itsupport |
> | WWW: http://mapsitdoc.leeds.ac.uk/ |
> +------------------------------------------------+
-- Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer akohlmey_at_gmail.com Institute for Computational Molecular Science College of Science and Technology Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA.
- Next message: Irene Newhouse: "how long do ILS runs take?"
- Previous message: Dipesh Bhattarai: "Converting tracker coordinates to molecule coordinate for selection"
- In reply to: Christopher McLean: "Blank thumbnails and non-working snapshots"
- Next in thread: Christopher McLean: "RE: Blank thumbnails and non-working snapshots"
- Reply: Christopher McLean: "RE: Blank thumbnails and non-working snapshots"
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