VMD-L Mailing List
From: DimitryASuplatov (genesup_at_gmail.com)
Date: Wed Mar 17 2010 - 06:42:41 CDT
- Next message: Thomas C. Bishop: "Re: Selecting AMBER ions Cl- and Na+ using VMD"
- Previous message: Joseph Bylund: "Re: Installing VMD"
- Next in thread: Thomas C. Bishop: "Re: Selecting AMBER ions Cl- and Na+ using VMD"
- Reply: Thomas C. Bishop: "Re: Selecting AMBER ions Cl- and Na+ using VMD"
- Reply: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: Selecting AMBER ions Cl- and Na+ using VMD"
- Reply: Balazs Jojart: "Re: Selecting AMBER ions Cl- and Na+ using VMD"
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I am running NAMD simulation in AMBER ff and eventually I want to make
an index file excluding water and ion molecules in VMD.
The problem is that selecting RESNAME NA+ CL- always throws en error. I
guess VMD does not like "+" and "-" signs. I`ve tried to mask them with
\\, {}, (), "", '' though it did not help.
Does anyone know how to make a selection of resname Cl- and Na+ in VMD?
Thank you.
- Next message: Thomas C. Bishop: "Re: Selecting AMBER ions Cl- and Na+ using VMD"
- Previous message: Joseph Bylund: "Re: Installing VMD"
- Next in thread: Thomas C. Bishop: "Re: Selecting AMBER ions Cl- and Na+ using VMD"
- Reply: Thomas C. Bishop: "Re: Selecting AMBER ions Cl- and Na+ using VMD"
- Reply: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: Selecting AMBER ions Cl- and Na+ using VMD"
- Reply: Balazs Jojart: "Re: Selecting AMBER ions Cl- and Na+ using VMD"
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