VMD-L Mailing List
From: muniyamuthu.raviprasad_at_ndsu.edu
Date: Tue May 11 2010 - 14:47:15 CDT
- Next message: Edward Lyman: "Re: units of "measure dipole""
- Previous message: Edward Lyman: "units of "measure dipole""
- Next in thread: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: namd-l: Atom movement within a range of Z value"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: namd-l: Atom movement within a range of Z value"
- Reply: Eduardo Cruz-Chu: "Re: namd-l: Atom movement within a range of Z value"
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I have a molecular model with two different types of molecules ( say A and B)
I want to set the constraints to molecule-A like this : Free in Z -
direction and fixed in X , Y direction. This can be done under constraint
setup.I am OK with that. but in the same model,
I want set the constraints to molecule-B like this: Free movement in X , Y
direction. Free movement in Z direction but between Z = -2 to Z= +2.
Is there any way to set up this kind of constraints?
- Next message: Edward Lyman: "Re: units of "measure dipole""
- Previous message: Edward Lyman: "units of "measure dipole""
- Next in thread: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: namd-l: Atom movement within a range of Z value"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: namd-l: Atom movement within a range of Z value"
- Reply: Eduardo Cruz-Chu: "Re: namd-l: Atom movement within a range of Z value"
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