From: NG HUI WEN (
Date: Mon Aug 23 2010 - 19:40:36 CDT



Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 10:07 AM
To: ''
Subject: Structure won't move after loading trajectory




I have a very simple question here which have unfortunately baffled me
quite a bit.


I have a structure NVT.gro and a trajectory NVT.trr (500 frames). After
loading the structure through file > new molecule > "browse" in molecule
file browser, I did the same thing to load the trajectory. I waited for
the 500 frames to finish loading and clicked on the small triangle at
the bottom right to start the trajectory. I could see the small bar
moving along indicating that the vmd was indeed playing the trajectory.
However, the structure remained stationary throughout - not even a
single atom moved.


I tried to cut down the number of frames by doing a trjconv with gromacs
and reduced the number of frames to 20. It still didn't work.


I suspect I must have accidentally set vmd to some other modes that stop
the trajectory from playing. I recall successfully playing a trajectory
following a tutorial quite a long way back. Now, using the same tutorial
trajectory and structure vmd problem still persist.


Would really appreciate some suggestions/solutions to this. Thank you



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