From: Xiaogang Wang (
Date: Sat Mar 19 2011 - 01:23:32 CDT


My volumetric data is not on a grid. Can VMD read it
and plot isosurface by interpolating between my data ?

The data set is not structureless, though. It is mapped from
a 3D grid. An example data set has the following 8 points,
mapped from an original 2x2x2 grid.

x1 y1 z1 f(x1,y1,z1)
x2 y2 z2 f(x2,y2,z2)
x3 y3 z3 f(x3,y3,z3)
x4 y4 z4 f(x4,y4,z4)
x5 y5 z5 f(x5,y5,z5)
x6 y6 z6 f(x6,y6,z6)
x7 y7 z7 f(x7,y7,z7)
x8 y8 z8 f(x8,y8,z8)

Xiaogang Wang