VMD-L Mailing List
From: Axel Kohlmeyer (akohlmey_at_gmail.com)
Date: Thu May 12 2011 - 16:21:21 CDT
- Next message: David A. Horita: "RE: Large positive non-integer charge"
- Previous message: Adkins, Laura R: "RE: Atom ID/Color change with timesteps"
- In reply to: Adkins, Laura R: "RE: Atom ID/Color change with timesteps"
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On Thu, 2011-05-12 at 21:04 +0000, Adkins, Laura R wrote:
> Axel,
> Thank you, this has resolved the issue, and I very much appreciate your help.
excellent. the changes and a couple of improvements that i noticed
on the side have been added to the VMD development version and will
be available on the next VMD release, too.
> For anyone hoping to use a similar technique, I'd like warn against
> using VMD to convert the input file to XYZ format, as I did. Similar
> to the unchanging atom names, the XYZ file formed has the same atom ID
> labels throughout the file, despite the input file having differing
> labels for different timesteps.
this is to be expected. what you are doing is not strictly speaking
a conversion, but you load the whole DL_POLY trajectory into VMD and
then save it in a different format. that means, all restrictions of
VMD do apply. if they wouldn't, then you could use DL_POLY files
right away in the way you expected to be able to use them. ;-)
> An XYZ conversion script is available in the DLPOLY utilities.
> Cheers,
> Laura
-- Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer akohlmey_at_gmail.com http://goo.gl/1wk0 Institute for Computational Molecular Science Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA.
- Next message: David A. Horita: "RE: Large positive non-integer charge"
- Previous message: Adkins, Laura R: "RE: Atom ID/Color change with timesteps"
- In reply to: Adkins, Laura R: "RE: Atom ID/Color change with timesteps"
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