From: John Stone (
Date: Mon Sep 12 2011 - 11:22:06 CDT

  It depends. If you're loading files over a network in the case of
the linux cluster, this would likely slow things down substantially as
compared to loading them from a directly attached hard drive, which is
presumably where the files are stored on your windows laptop. Also,
you should be sure that you're forcing all of the frames to load
(e.g. "waitfor all" option to "mol new" and "mol addfile" commands, or
 check the "load all at once" button in the file loading GUI)
so that you're comparing them accurately.

  John Stone

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 12:01:25PM -0400, Vivek Ranjan wrote:
> Hello,
> I have installed vmd on a linux cluster [VMD for LINUXAMD64, version 1.9
> (March 14, 2011)]. I load a psf file and then a dcd file. The process on
> windows laptop is several times faster than vmd on this linux cluster. Is
> this expected ?
> Thank you,
> Vivek

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