VMD-L Mailing List
From: Maggie Pruitt (mamdahl_at_iastate.edu)
Date: Mon Sep 19 2011 - 12:19:41 CDT
- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: RMSD heatmapper -plugin"
- Previous message: Anssi Nurminen: "RMSD heatmapper -plugin"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: Problem building POPE membrane with plugin using CHARMM36"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: Problem building POPE membrane with plugin using CHARMM36"
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Dear VMD Community,
I'm trying to build a protein-membrane system following the Membrane Proteins Tutorial. However, I keep receiving the error pasted below each time I try to build a POPE membrane with the Membrane Builder plugin using the CHARMM36 topology file (VMD 1.9 MacOS X OpenGL, CUDA (Intel x86)). Could anyone please give me some insight into what is wrong? Or could this be a bug in VMD 1.9? If it helps, I can successfully build a POPC membrane with the plugin using C36 and also a POPE membrane using C27.
Thanks in advance for your help,
Maggie Pruitt
ERROR: Unable to open psf file /Applications/VMD 1.9.app/Contents/vmd/plugins/noarch/tcl/membrane1.1/pope36_box.psf
MOLECULE DESTROYED BY FATAL ERROR! Use resetpsf to start over.
ERROR: Unable to open psf file /Applications/VMD 1.9.app/Contents/vmd/plugins/noarch/tcl/membrane1.1/pope36_box.psf
MOLECULE DESTROYED BY FATAL ERROR! Use resetpsf to start over.
while executing
"readpsf $psffile"
(procedure "membrane_core" line 81)
invoked from within
"membrane_core -l "$uselipid" -x "$xdim" -y "$ydim" -o "$prefix" -top "$useTop""
(in namespace inscope "::Membrane" script line 4)
invoked from within
"::namespace inscope ::Membrane {
puts "membrane_core -l $uselipid -x $xdim -y $ydim -o $prefix -top $useTop"
# membrane_core -l POPC -x..."
invoked from within
".membrane.gobutton invoke"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]"
(procedure "tk::ButtonUp" line 23)
invoked from within
"tk::ButtonUp .membrane.gobutton"
(command bound to event)
- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: RMSD heatmapper -plugin"
- Previous message: Anssi Nurminen: "RMSD heatmapper -plugin"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: Problem building POPE membrane with plugin using CHARMM36"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: Problem building POPE membrane with plugin using CHARMM36"
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