VMD-L Mailing List
From: Rajan Vatassery (rajan_at_umn.edu)
Date: Mon Feb 06 2012 - 11:02:14 CST
- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Tcl script error"
- Previous message: Ban Arn: "Re: Tcl script error"
- In reply to: Rajan Vatassery: "PSFGEN and Reading Bonds from PDB Files"
- Next in thread: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: PSFGEN and Reading Bonds from PDB Files"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: PSFGEN and Reading Bonds from PDB Files"
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Flavio, Chris and Axel,
Thank you for your input. I ended up making a PSF containing the "!
NATOM" list and the "!NBOND" list, and using topotools (v 1.1) I
confirmed the number of bonds (52 -- from the partial PSF I loaded along
with the pdb), angles (0), and dihedrals (0) using:
vmd > topo numbonds
vmd > topo numangles
vmd > topo numdihedrals
Then for the actual angle and dihedral creation, I used
vmd > topo guessangles
vmd > topo numangles
vmd > topo guessdihedrals
vmd > topo numdihedrals
Then write the psf using
vmd > animate write psf test2.psf
psfplugin) Writing angles/dihedrals/impropers...
Info) Opened coordinate file test2.psf for writing.
Info) Finished with coordinate file test2.psf.
This process is disconcertingly easy, so I went through a majority of
the angles and dihedrals by hand and confirmed that they are correct and
no angle or dihedral is duplicated or missing.
I consider this solved on the basis of the topotools package. Many
thanks to Axel and anyone else developing that toolbox.
On Sun, 2012-02-05 at 14:13 -0600, Rajan Vatassery wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am looking for a way to avoid creating a topology file whenever I
> need to create a new PSF. For example, my current need is for a PSF for
> oleic acid. I can easily create a pdb file, but the creation of a PSF is
> substantially more time-intensive. Currently I would need to make a
> topology file, which although is not terribly difficult, is not used
> after the creation of the PSF.
> My hope is that there is some way that I can use the bonds given in the
> pdb file to produce the essential details that PSFGEN needs to then go
> on to writing the angles and dihedrals. As it is now, if I try to create
> anything in terms of a segment for writing (segment U {pdb Oleate.pdb}),
> I get the usual:
> unknown residue type
> ERROR: failed on end of segment
> MOLECULE DESTROYED BY FATAL ERROR! Use resetpsf to start over.
> because I haven't given a topology file to PSFGEN.
> My impression is that during the normal PSF creation from a topology
> file, PSFGEN calculates the angles and dihedrals from only the list of
> bonds that are given in the topology file. So my question stated in
> another way is, can I trick PSFGEN into reading the bond list from the
> PDB file? I would even rather write the first part of the PSF (atoms and
> bonds) if I could get the angles and dihedrals automatically generated.
> Thanks in advance,
> rajan
- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Tcl script error"
- Previous message: Ban Arn: "Re: Tcl script error"
- In reply to: Rajan Vatassery: "PSFGEN and Reading Bonds from PDB Files"
- Next in thread: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: PSFGEN and Reading Bonds from PDB Files"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: PSFGEN and Reading Bonds from PDB Files"
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