VMD-L Mailing List
From: John Stone (johns_at_ks.uiuc.edu)
Date: Fri Oct 24 2003 - 19:05:32 CDT
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: VDW radii in input files"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: Bond drawing questino"
- In reply to: Amrit Kalra: "Viewing Amber6 trajectory with VMD 1.8.1"
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I'm not specifically aware of the cause of your problem, could
be one of several possibilities. What platform are you running VMD on?
Can you email me the error message you get, and one of the
files that fails to load? It seems I'm going to have to take a
look at some of these plugins before VMD 1.8.2 releases since I've
gotten a couple of bug reports in the last few days. If you can give
me test files that cause the problem, I should be able to see about
fixing this before VMD 1.8.2 is released.
John Stone
On Sun, Oct 19, 2003 at 11:21:03PM -0700, Amrit Kalra wrote:
> Hello.
> If I try to load output by Amber6 in form of a topology and
> a trajectory file in VMD 1.8.1, molecules are not recognized
> properly. Is there any compatibility issue with the new VMD
> version because I do not get into the same problem with older
> version of VMD.
> Many thanks for the help.
> Amrit.
-- NIH Resource for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology University of Illinois, 405 N. Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801 Email: johns_at_ks.uiuc.edu Phone: 217-244-3349 WWW: http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/~johns/ Fax: 217-244-6078
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: VDW radii in input files"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: Bond drawing questino"
- In reply to: Amrit Kalra: "Viewing Amber6 trajectory with VMD 1.8.1"
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