VMD-L Mailing List
From: Dan Michael O. Heggø (d.m.heggo_at_ub.uio.no)
Date: Wed May 09 2012 - 17:33:04 CDT
- Next message: mohammad agha: "flashing the VMD"
- Previous message: Dan Michael O. Heggø: "New crystallography plugin"
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I've made a plugin for aligning the view to crystal directions
specified by Miller indices, and for drawing crystallographic arrows.
I hope it can be useful for others as well. I've tested it over
several months, doing some fixes now and then, so it should work quite
well by now.
For those not familiar with Git, there is a tarball at
There are two known minor bugs. Any input on them is appreciated :)
1. When graphic elements are drawn in the VMD window, these elements need to be
redrawn when the display is altered in some way. The plugin listens
to VMD events
to be notified about such display changes, but VMD does not seem to
inform about
all such changes. Examples of events that does not seem to be
broudcasted include
- smooth rotations: rotate [x | y | z] <angle> <increment>
- display resize
2. There are some drawing issues with aligning the text at the end of
the arrows.
The text may crash slightly into the arrows. The problem is that
VMD to my knowledge provides no
ways of computing the size of text primitives added by VMD's
graphics command.
Dan Michael Heggø
-- Dan Michael Heggø Realfagsbiblioteket / Science Library Universitetet i Oslo Tel.: +47 22 85 54 00, Fax: +47 22 85 74 47 Web: http://www.ub.uio.no/
- Next message: mohammad agha: "flashing the VMD"
- Previous message: Dan Michael O. Heggø: "New crystallography plugin"
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