VMD-L Mailing List
From: Axel Kohlmeyer (akohlmey_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Jul 13 2012 - 09:05:31 CDT
- Next message: Ginger Emel: "problem generating psf file"
- Previous message: niaz poorgholami: "how to change color of the one type of atom"
- In reply to: niaz poorgholami: "how to change color of the one type of atom"
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On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 3:15 PM, niaz poorgholami <poorgholami_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear VMD users
> I have carbon nanotube + surfactant +water molecules in my simulation box.since
> both CNT and surfactant have carbon atoms I would like to change the
> color of these
> two types of carbon atoms and have different colors for each of them.
> Would you please
> help me how to do that?
> In addition, I would like to have different representations for CNT
> and surfactant molecules.I would be
> pleased if someone could help me how to do this.
please have a closer look at the VMD user's guide
and the VMD tutorials. they have a lot of examples
for these kind of (common) procedures.
once you have a feel for the VMD basics and
how things work in principle, you'll be quickly
able to do this and many other things easily.
> regards
-- Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer akohlmey_at_gmail.com http://goo.gl/1wk0 International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. Italy.
- Next message: Ginger Emel: "problem generating psf file"
- Previous message: niaz poorgholami: "how to change color of the one type of atom"
- In reply to: niaz poorgholami: "how to change color of the one type of atom"
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