VMD-L Mailing List
From: Antonija Tomiæ (piculast_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Jan 18 2013 - 09:03:05 CST
- Next message: George Patargias: "Re: IMD with Novint Falcon"
- Previous message: hamid mosaddeghi: "Fw: about inorganic builder and define variable"
- Next in thread: hannes.loeffler_at_stfc.ac.uk: "RE: ied with VMD 1.9.1"
- Reply: hannes.loeffler_at_stfc.ac.uk: "RE: ied with VMD 1.9.1"
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Dear VMD Users,
I was wondering is IED (Interactive Essential Dynamics) still supported in
VMD 1.9.1 (to be more precise VMD for LINUXAMD64, version 1.9.1)?
When i follow link to IED (that can be found at
http://mccammon.ucsd.edu/ied/ , the results is:
"The requested URL /ied/ was not found on this server."
Why is this?
I tried with ied-2.02 version that I had from before and
pylib.linux.amd64.tar.gz (VMD Python library for* *VMD 1.8.7,
http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/plugins/pythonlib/) but this doesn`t
work, I got the message:
Info) Running the python interpreter is not supported in tkcon.
Info) You have to use the real text mode console.
Could you please help me?
- Next message: George Patargias: "Re: IMD with Novint Falcon"
- Previous message: hamid mosaddeghi: "Fw: about inorganic builder and define variable"
- Next in thread: hannes.loeffler_at_stfc.ac.uk: "RE: ied with VMD 1.9.1"
- Reply: hannes.loeffler_at_stfc.ac.uk: "RE: ied with VMD 1.9.1"
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