From: Axel Kohlmeyer (
Date: Fri Mar 08 2013 - 09:06:06 CST

On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 3:19 PM, andrea spitaleri <>wrote:

> Hi there,
> I am wondering whether in vmd we can set different opacity for different
> selection when transparent is used as material. I'd like to make 3 surfaces
> of a multidomain protein with different opacity but I could not find the
> way (if there is of course).

yes, you can. just create the materials you want by selecting an exiting
one, e.g. Transparent, using it to make a new one.
and modify that as needed.


> thanks in advance
> and
> --
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**-
> Andrea Spitaleri PhD
> Dulbecco Telethon Institute c/o Fondazione Centro San Raffaele
> Centro di Genomica Traslazione e Bioinformatica
> Biomolecular NMR Laboratory Dibit2 Basilica 3A2
> Via Olgettina 58
> 20132 Milano
> Italy
> Tel: 0039-0226434348
> Fax: 0039-0226434153
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**-

Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. Italy.