VMD-L Mailing List
From: Olaf Lenz (olenz_at_icp.uni-stuttgart.de)
Date: Thu Jul 18 2013 - 10:10:48 CDT
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: WG: VMD mismatch between CUDA runtime and GPU driver"
- Previous message: JC Gumbart: "Re: charmm36 and charmm27 together with namd?"
- In reply to: Bailey, Steven: "VTF"
- Next in thread: Olaf Lenz: "Re: VTF"
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On 07/18/2013 03:35 PM, Bailey, Steven wrote:
> My problem relates back to some earlier postings. I cannot load a
> vtf trajectory format file from DLMESO into my 1.9 version of VMD
> for WIN32. It crashes. It will read the vtf structure format and
> displays the information but gives an error which requests a
> structure file first when loading the vtf coordinate format. Are
> there any solutions out there?
I am the author of the VMD plugin to read the vtf format. I am aware
that there is some trouble with reading the VTF format on Windows.
Unfortunately, I am unable to debug it, as I have no access to a Windows
machine with VMD, a compiler and a debugger. Also, I am unable to
compile VMD under Windows.
If you have these things, we might be able to debug the problem.
I had already asked the VMD developers for help, but so far, they were
to busy.
- --
Dr. rer. nat. Olaf Lenz
Institut für Computerphysik, Allmandring 3, D-70569 Stuttgart
Phone: +49-711-685-63607
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- Next message: John Stone: "Re: WG: VMD mismatch between CUDA runtime and GPU driver"
- Previous message: JC Gumbart: "Re: charmm36 and charmm27 together with namd?"
- In reply to: Bailey, Steven: "VTF"
- Next in thread: Olaf Lenz: "Re: VTF"
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