VMD-L Mailing List
From: Ramin Ekhteiari (ramin_ekh_at_yahoo.com)
Date: Thu Dec 12 2013 - 03:06:36 CST
- Next message: Bogdan Costescu: "Re: AMD vs. nvidia support"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Atomic trajectory to COM trajectory,"
- Next in thread: Norman Geist: "AW: changing chain id and pdb generating"
- Reply: Norman Geist: "AW: changing chain id and pdb generating"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: changing chain id and pdb generating"
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I am working on a pdb file that has different segment id but with same chain id,
I'm trying to change the chain id of the each segments,
I do the following commands,
>> mol new file.pdb
set A [atomselect top "segment proa"]
set B [atomselect top "segment prob"]
set $A chain A
set $B chain B
***Now I want to save them as one pdb file***
Would be grateful for any help
- Next message: Bogdan Costescu: "Re: AMD vs. nvidia support"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Atomic trajectory to COM trajectory,"
- Next in thread: Norman Geist: "AW: changing chain id and pdb generating"
- Reply: Norman Geist: "AW: changing chain id and pdb generating"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: changing chain id and pdb generating"
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