VMD-L Mailing List
From: Joshua Skootsky (joshua.skootsky_at_gmail.com)
Date: Thu May 15 2014 - 19:55:26 CDT
- Next message: Leah Isseroff Bendavid: "Unable to use VMD1.9.1 binary (no CUDA) on Mac OSX 10.9.3"
- Previous message: Ozgun Kirker (Student): "Using bigdcd"
- In reply to: Ozgun Kirker (Student): "Using bigdcd"
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Is there a reason you can't load and analyze the 30 different trajectories
You can write a shell script that does it sequentially.
this is especially easy if the names of your trajectories are chosen
For example:
for i in `seq 0 29`; do
vmd /path-specific/to-you/*/*$i*.dcd /other/path/file.psf -dispdev
text -eofexit -e distance.tcl -args *$i*
The -args flag allows you to pass the looping variable to your distance.tcl
script, using the Tcl $arvg system variable:
For example:
set myoutput *"system.**$argv**.output"*
set outfile [open *$myoutput* a+ ]
puts *$outfile* *"$your $output $variables**"*
close *$outfile*
On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 7:40 PM, Ozgun Kirker (Student) <
okirker_at_sabanciuniv.edu> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am trying to use bigdcd.tcl and distance.tcl to analyze 30 different
> trajectories at once, I did read everything I found on both mailing list
> and google but still managed to fail.
> Can anyone please explain me how to use these 2 scripts simultaneously?
> Thanks in advance.
-- Joshua Skootsky (415) 683-9354 | joshua.skootsky_at_gmail.com
- Next message: Leah Isseroff Bendavid: "Unable to use VMD1.9.1 binary (no CUDA) on Mac OSX 10.9.3"
- Previous message: Ozgun Kirker (Student): "Using bigdcd"
- In reply to: Ozgun Kirker (Student): "Using bigdcd"
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