VMD-L Mailing List
From: Basheer Subei (basheersubei_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Aug 15 2014 - 13:45:20 CDT
- Next message: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Autoi::sod2pot problem in "Modeling Nanopores for Sequencing DNA" tutorial"
- Previous message: Alexandre Suman de Araujo: "Units used by Volmap Tool"
- Next in thread: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Autoi::sod2pot problem in "Modeling Nanopores for Sequencing DNA" tutorial"
- Reply: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Autoi::sod2pot problem in "Modeling Nanopores for Sequencing DNA" tutorial"
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I just noticed that VMD 1.9 recently dropped
<http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/vmd-1.9/devel.html> the Autoi:sod2pot
function, and that creates a problem for users following along with the
"Modeling Nanopores for Sequencing DNA" tutorial
In section 3.3.11 in that tutorial, it instructs users to run the
addIons.tcl script, which adds KCl ions. The last line of addIons.tcl reads
What should users of VMD 1.9+ do about Autoi::sod2pot being removed? Does
this affect the tutorial? (I'm assuming it does, because then it wouldn't
convert the sodium ions into potassium ions). What should I use instead of
If someone could help here (and perhaps fix the tutorial as well), that
would be great! I would also gladly accept links to the documentation of
Autoionize (which I couldn't find).
Thank you for your time!
- Basheer Subei
- Next message: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Autoi::sod2pot problem in "Modeling Nanopores for Sequencing DNA" tutorial"
- Previous message: Alexandre Suman de Araujo: "Units used by Volmap Tool"
- Next in thread: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Autoi::sod2pot problem in "Modeling Nanopores for Sequencing DNA" tutorial"
- Reply: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Autoi::sod2pot problem in "Modeling Nanopores for Sequencing DNA" tutorial"
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