From: Dennis N Bromley (
Date: Fri Sep 26 2014 - 11:31:25 CDT

Hi Aref,

it might be goofing up if (as discussed above) there are a variable number
of atoms. Try loading it up in pymol, i think it will roll with variable
atoms. If that reads it up ok, then it means you multi-model pdb file is
correct, but the variable atom number is causing problems. If you look at
your multi-model pdb file in a text editor, does it look right? Do you see
all the models that you think you should be seeing?


On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 12:55 AM, Aref Takiden <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> @Dennis: sorry for the email yesterday X_x
> However, it didn’t worked either, i.e I got only the half of the frames in
> vmd in spite of that in the collective-pdbs file I find all gathered pdbs--001a11c2bbe82a54b50503fa75b6--