VMD-L Mailing List
From: Seera Suryanarayana (palusoori_at_gmail.com)
Date: Mon Nov 24 2014 - 00:01:39 CST
- Next message: maryam atabay: "question about CUDA-enabled"
- Previous message: sunyeping: "velocity or force of water molecules"
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Dear VMD users
I would like to simulate the DNA-protein complex. While simulation after
using the pdb2gmx command I got the error as "Incomplete ring in HIS140". I
want to build the imedazole ring of HIS by VMD. Can we build the imedazole
ring by VMD? if yes kindly tell me how to build.
Thanks in advance
Graduate student
- Next message: maryam atabay: "question about CUDA-enabled"
- Previous message: sunyeping: "velocity or force of water molecules"
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