VMD-L Mailing List
From: Norman Geist (norman.geist_at_uni-greifswald.de)
Date: Fri Nov 28 2014 - 01:04:06 CST
- Next message: Christian Wohlschlager: "Oculus Rift DK2"
- Previous message: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Any interest in VMD supporting mirror reflections w/ ray tracing?"
- Next in thread: Emmanuel, Alaina: "Re: Announcement: User defined movie animation"
- Reply: Emmanuel, Alaina: "Re: Announcement: User defined movie animation"
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For everybody who's interested and also to make this searchable on the web,
I'm announcing a new easy-to-use user defined movie animation
system for VMD for use with the standard Movie Maker and the "user defined
To use it one doesn't need to be good in TCL programming, it's simply
writing some kind of storyboard, see example usage and FAQ. But who knows
TCL can even extend it quite easy.
Currently is has animation procedures prepared for:
- Rotation (real and graphically)
- Translation (real and graphically)
- AutoZoom to All/Mol/Rep
- AutoFocus to All/Mol/Rep
- Transparency fading
Animations can easily happen in parallel. Also any TCL procedure or command
can be used, including all VMD commands.
The system has visualization routines to show what has been configured:
Info) Storyboard: (ordered like added)
kickoff material {change opacity Goodsell 1.000000}
kickoff material {change opacity Edgy 1.000000}
kickoff mol {showrep 0 1 1}
kickoff mol {showrep 0 2 0}
kickoff display resetview
test AutoFocusAllVisible {}
test AutoScaleAllVisible {}
test rotate {x 360}
test FadeTransparency {Goodsell 1 0}
test2 mol {showrep 0 1 0}
test2 mol {showrep 0 2 1}
test3 FadeTransparency {Goodsell 0 0.5}
test3 AutoFocusAllVisible {}
test3 AutoScaleAllVisible {}
test4 FadeTransparency {Goodsell 0.5 0}
test4 FadeTransparency {Edgy 1 0}
test5 AutoScaleMolRepVisible {0 3}
test5 AutoFocusMolRepVisible {0 3}
test6 AutoScaleMolRepVisible {0 3}
test6 AutoFocusMolRepVisible {0 3}
test6 rotate {x 90}
Info) Timeline: (* = freeze)
0 48 96 144 192 240 288 336
384 432 480
kickoff [ 0 1 10] |>
test [ 0 1 192] |***************************>
test2 [192 1 193] |>
test3 [192 1 240] |------>
test4 [240 1 288] |------>
test5 [288 1 432]
test6 [432 1 480]
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
80% 90% 100%
0s 2s 4s 6s 8s 10s 12s 14s
16s 18s 20s
This is a early example video: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa0ZmtRTSpM>
Let me know your opinions or questions
- Norman Geist -
- Next message: Christian Wohlschlager: "Oculus Rift DK2"
- Previous message: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Any interest in VMD supporting mirror reflections w/ ray tracing?"
- Next in thread: Emmanuel, Alaina: "Re: Announcement: User defined movie animation"
- Reply: Emmanuel, Alaina: "Re: Announcement: User defined movie animation"
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