From: John Stone (
Date: Fri Feb 27 2015 - 14:31:28 CST

Most movie formats display images at 24 or 30 frames per second.
To make a longer movie with VMD, you can either load a larger number
of frames from your simulation trajectory (that's what I'd do) and
use that for your movie, or, if that isn't possible, you can
duplicate each frame 10 times, and than you'll get something that
lasts for about 8 seconds.

  John Stone

On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 01:54:59AM +0530, anu chandra wrote:
> Dear VMD users,
> I am trying to make 30second movie with VMD movie making utility. I have a
> short 20 frame trajectory and movie making with 'tajectory' option
> generate only a very short movie ( last for only 6-8 seconds), even though
> I tried changing the 'time duration' options many times. Is there a way in
> VMD where I can make a movie with such a short (20 frame) trajectory?
> Many thanks in advance
> Anu

NIH Center for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
University of Illinois, 405 N. Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801           Phone: 217-244-3349